Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977, I: Third International Symposium December 5–9, 1977

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 704

ISBN: 9780387091235, 0-387-09123-8

Size: 3 MB (2884997 bytes)

Pages: 396/381

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R. Thom (auth.), R. Glowinski, J. L. Lions, Iria Laboria (eds.)9780387091235, 0-387-09123-8

Table of contents :
Sur Certains Aspects Qualitatifs de la Theorie des Equations aux Derivees Partielles….Pages 3-7
Les Problems Mal Poses et les Problemes Mathematiques de Traitement Automatique de Resultats d’Experiences….Pages 8-20
Iterative methods in numerical solution of differential equations….Pages 23-36
Numerical methods for complementarity problems in engineering and applied science….Pages 37-52
Optimisation non Differentiable: Methodes de Faisceaux….Pages 53-61
Variable metric methods for constrained optimization….Pages 62-72
Constant strain finite elements….Pages 75-110
Computation of eddy currents on a surface in ℝ 3 by finite element methods….Pages 111-126
The club MODULEF….Pages 127-153
Finite element analysis for stress intensity factors….Pages 154-168
The sommerfeld (radiation) condition on infinite domains and its modelling in numerical procedures….Pages 169-203
On the finite element approximation for evolution equations of parabolic type….Pages 207-221
Special applications of Hamiltons’s principle to structural dynamics….Pages 222-238
Constructive methods for bifurcation and nonlinear eigenvalue problems….Pages 241-251
Finite element approximations to bifurcation problems of turning point type….Pages 252-266
On numerical deformation of singularities in nonlinear elasticity….Pages 267-281
Numerical methods for free surface problems by means of penalty….Pages 282-291
A family of model problems in plasticity….Pages 292-305
The computational aspects of the homogenization problem….Pages 309-316
Asymptotics for branching transport processes….Pages 317-329
Numerical experiments of the homogenization method….Pages 330-356
A homogenized multigroup diffusion theory for the neutron transport equation….Pages 357-363
Estimation de Coefficients Homogenises….Pages 364-373
Some applications of computational mathematics to medical problems….Pages 377-391


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