Estimating in Building Construction

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For beginning to intermediate courses in cost estimating and construction estimation. The only complete, up-to-date guide to estimating modern building construction projects Estimating in Building Construction covers all the skills the beginning student needs to estimate simple to moderately complex commercial and residential buildings. Ideal for construction, architecture, and engineering students, the text covers bid preparation from the general contractors perspective, using a combination of theory and principles, step-by-step procedures, instructor resources, and practice problems. The 9th edition aligns the text with the learning outcomes of the major accreditation bodies ABET and ACCE, giving instructors measurable standards for gauging student success. It includes a new chapter on specialty contractors, two rewritten chapters, and reorganized appendices.Additional ISBNs: 9780134701165, 013470116X, 9780134701783, 013470178X


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