Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures: The Jacob Aboudi Volume

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Edition: 1

Series: Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 168

ISBN: 1576105202

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Brett A. Bednarcyk, Steven M. Arnold (auth.), Rivka Gilat, Leslie Banks-Sills (eds.)1576105202

This work presents a collection of papers, written by leading authors in honor of Professor Jacob Aboudi.

Jacob Aboudi served as Head of the Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Structures, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and as Incumbent of the Diane and Arthur Belfer Chair of Mechanics and Biomechanics at Tel Aviv University. Aboudi has published more than 200 papers, 2 books and is a leading authority in the field of composite materials.

The papers in this volume cover a wide spectrum of topics in the forefront of research in experimental methods and mathematical modeling of materials and structures. Subjects treated include developments in materials science, theoretical and applied mechanics, applied mathematics, applied physics, computational methods in engineering, mechanical and civil engineering. Both theoretical and experimental approaches are presented. As this book reflects the state of the art, possible engineering applications and future research directions are suggested.

Table of contents :
Front Matter….Pages i-xxviii
Aboudi’s Micromechanics Theories Applied to Multiscale Analysis of Composites….Pages 1-14
The Effect of Inclusions on Phase Transformations in Dynamically Driven Plates….Pages 15-26
Fitting an Anisotropic Yield Surface Using the Generalized Method of Cells….Pages 27-41
A Multiscale Progressive Damage and Failure Modeling Approach For Laminated Fiber Reinforced Composites….Pages 43-56
A Comparison of Micromechanical Models for the Homogenization of Microheterogeneous Elastic Composites….Pages 57-71
A Multi-scale Formulation for Smart Composites with Field Coupling Effects….Pages 73-87
Computational Homogenization of Polymeric Nanofiber Scaffolds and Biological Cells….Pages 89-102
A Computational Multiscale Investigation of Failure in Viscoelastic Solids….Pages 103-115
Variational Asymptotic Method for Unit Cell Homogenization….Pages 117-130
A Computational Framework for Multiscale Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates….Pages 131-144
In Situ Characterization and Modeling of Strains near Embedded Electronic Components During Processing and Break-in for Multifunctional Polymer Structures….Pages 145-159
Multiscale Hybrid Nano/Microcomposites–Processing, Characterization, and Analysis….Pages 161-172
Experimental Yield Surface Determination for Metal Matrix Composites….Pages 173-185
Compressive Response of Dentin Micro-Pillars….Pages 187-197
Diffusion Linked Solidification Model of Axisymmetric Growth of Gold Nanorods….Pages 199-210
Probabilistic Strength of Carbon Nanotube Yarns….Pages 211-222
Flaw Identification in Structures via Computationally Assisted NDT….Pages 223-235
Some Analytic Solutions for Plane Strain Deformations of Compressible Isotropic Nonlinearly Elastic Materials….Pages 237-247
An Equation Both More Consistent and Simpler Than the Bresse-Timoshenko Equation….Pages 249-254
A Robust and Consistent First-Order Zigzag Theory for Multilayered Beams….Pages 255-268
Anisotropic Elastic Beams With Axially Distributed Loads….Pages 269-283
Consistent Loading in Structural Reduction Procedures for Thin Plate Models….Pages 285-296
Modelling Generalized Plane Problems with Cylindrical Anisotropy….Pages 297-308
Back Matter….Pages 309-312


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