Harry Francis Mallgrave9781405102575, 9781405152006, 1405102578, 9781405102582, 1405102586
In charting the progress of architecture from its earliest days until the second half of the nineteenth century, Mallgrave brings together over 200 classic essays in the field. These cover Classicism, the Gothic period, Neoclassicism, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and major themes including industry, ornament, style, and tectonics.
Architectural Theory: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 – along with the forthcoming second volume, covering 1870 to 2000 – is an indispensable reference for any student or scholar of architecture. Organized thematically, it features general and section introductions and headnotes to each essay written by a renowned expert on architectural theory.
Table of contents :
Architectural Theory……Page 1
Preface……Page 21
General Introduction……Page 23
Part I: Classicism and the Renaissance……Page 27
Introduction……Page 29
1. Vitruvius from On Architecture, Book 1 (c.25 BC)……Page 31
2. Vitruvius from On Architecture, Book 2 (c.25 BC)……Page 35
3. Vitruvius from On Architecture, Book 3 (c.25 BC)……Page 37
4. Vitruvius from On Architecture, Book 4 (c.25 BC)……Page 38
5. Old Testament from I Kings……Page 41
6. Old Testament from The Book of Ezekiel (c.586 BC)……Page 44
7. New Testament from The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John (c.95 AD)……Page 46
8. Abbot Suger from The Book of Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis (c.1144)……Page 48
9. William Durandus from The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments (1286)……Page 50
Introduction……Page 52
10. Antonio di Tuccio Manetti
from The Life of Brunelleschi (1480s)……Page 54
11. Leon Battista Alberti from On the Art of Building, Prologue and Book I (1443–52)……Page 56
12. Leon Battista Alberti from On the Art of Building, Book 6 (1443–52)……Page 58
13. Leon Battista Alberti from On the Art of Building, Book 9 (1443–52)……Page 60
14. Il Filarete from Book 1 of his untitled treatise on architecture (1461–3)……Page 62
15. Il Filarete from Book 8 of his untitled treatise on architecture……Page 65
16. Sebastiano Serlio from Book 3, The Complete Works on Architecture and Perspective (1540)……Page 68
17. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola from Preface to Rules of the Five Orders of Architecture (1562)……Page 70
18. Palladio from The Four Books of Architecture (1570)……Page 72
19. Juan Bautista Villalpando from Ezekiel Commentaries (1604)……Page 74
20. Georgio Vasari from Preface to Lives of the Most Eminent Italian Architects, Painters, and Sculptors (1550, 1568)……Page 76
21. Georgio Vasari from ‘‘Life of Michelangelo’’ in Lives of the Most Eminent Italian Architects, Painters, and Sculptors (1550, 1568)……Page 79
22. Peter Paul Rubens from Preface to Palaces of Genoa (1622)……Page 81
Part II: Classicism in France and Britain……Page 83
Introduction……Page 85
23. Rene´ Descartes from Rules for the Direction of the Mind (1628)……Page 87
24. Roland Fre´art de Chambray from Preface to A Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern (1650)……Page 88
25. Paul Fre´art de Chantelou from Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini’s Visit to France (1665)……Page 91
26. Franc¸ois Blondel from ‘‘Inaugural Lecture to the Academy of Architecture’’ (1671)……Page 96
28. Rene´ Ouvrard from Harmonic Architecture (1677)……Page 98
29. Claude Perrault annotations to French translation of The Ten Books of Architecture of Vitruvius (1673)……Page 100
30. Franc¸ois Blondel from Architecture Course, Vol. II (1683)……Page 102
31. Claude Perrault from The Ten Books of Architecture of Vitruvius, second edition (1684)……Page 103
32. Claude Perrault from Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns After the Method of the Ancients (1683)……Page 104
33. Jean-Franc¸ois Fe´libien from Preface to Historical Survey of the Life and Works of the Most Celebrated Architects (1687)……Page 107
34. Charles Perrault from Preface to Parallel of the Ancients and Moderns with Regard to the Arts and Sciences (1688)……Page 108
35. Charles Perrault from ‘‘Design of a Portal for the Church of Sainte-Genevie`ve in Paris’’ (1697)……Page 109
36. Michel de Fre´min from Critical Memoirs on Architecture (1702)……Page 110
37. Jean-Louis de Cordemoy from New Treatise on All Architecture or the Art of Building (1706, 1714)……Page 112
Introduction……Page 114
38. Henry Wotton from The Elements of Architecture (1624)……Page 115
39. Christopher Wren from Tract I on architecture (mid-1670s)……Page 117
40. Christopher Wren from Tracts II and IV on architecture (mid-1670s)……Page 119
41. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury from Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1711)……Page 120
42. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury from ‘‘A Letter Concerning Design’’ (1712)……Page 124
43. Colin Campbell Introduction to Vitruvius Britannicus, Vol. I (1715)……Page 127
44. Nicholas Du Bois Translator’s Preface to The Architecture of A. Palladio (1715)……Page 129
45. William Kent ‘‘Advertisement’’ to The Designs of Inigo Jones (1727)……Page 132
46. James Gibbs Introduction to A Book of Architecture (1728)……Page 133
47. Robert Morris from An Essay in Defence of Ancient Architecture (1728)……Page 135
48. Alexander Pope from Of False Taste (1731)……Page 138
49. Isaac Ware ‘‘Advertisement’’ to Andrea Palladio: The Four Books of Architecture (1737)……Page 140
50. Robert Morris from ‘‘An Essay upon Harmony’’ (1739)……Page 141
Part III: Neoclassicism and the Enlightenment……Page 145
Introduction……Page 147
51. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach from Preface to Outline for a Historical Architecture (1721)……Page 148
52. Voltaire from Philosophic Letters on the English (1733)……Page 149
53. Jacques-Gabriel Soufflot from ‘‘Memoir on Architectural Proportions’’ (1739)……Page 151
54. Jacques-Gabriel Soufflot from ‘‘Memoir on Gothic Architecture’’ (1741)……Page 152
55. Carlo Lodoli from Notes for a projected treatise on architecture (c.1740s)……Page 153
56. Baron de Montesquieu from Preface to The Spirit of the Laws (1748)……Page 156
57. Jean-Jacques Rousseau from ‘‘Discourse on the Sciences and Arts’’ (1750)……Page 158
58. Jean Le Rond D’Alembert from ‘‘Preliminary Discourse of the Editors’’ (1751)……Page 161
59. Jacques-Franc¸ois Blondel from ‘‘Architecture’’ in Diderot’s Encyclopedia (1751)……Page 164
60. Charles-E´ tienne Briseux from Preface to Treatise on Essential Beauty in the Arts (1752)……Page 166
61. Marc-Antoine Laugier from Essay on Architecture (1753)……Page 167
62. Marc-Antoine Laugier from Essay on Architecture (1753)……Page 170
63. Isaac Ware from A Complete Body of Architecture, Chapter II (1756)……Page 173
64. Isaac Ware from A Complete Body of Architecture, Chapter IX (1756)……Page 174
65. William Chambers from A Treatise on Civil Architecture (1759)……Page 176
66. William Chambers from A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture (1791)……Page 178
Introduction……Page 180
67. James Stuart and Nicholas Revett from ‘‘Proposals for publishing an accurate description of the Antiquities of Athens’’ (1748)……Page 181
68. Robert Wood and James Dawkins from The Ruins of Palmyra (1753)……Page 184
69. Johann Joachim Winckelmann from Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture (1755)……Page 185
70. Allan Ramsay from ‘‘A Dialogue on Taste’’ in The Investigator (1755)……Page 189
71. Julien-David Le Roy from The Ruins of the Most Beautiful Monuments of Greece (1758)……Page 191
72. Julien-David Le Roy from The Ruins of the Most Beautiful Monuments of Greece (1758)……Page 194
73. James Stuart and Nicholas Revett from Preface to The Antiquities of Athens (1762)……Page 195
74. Johann Joachim Winckelmann from History of the Art of Antiquity (1764)……Page 198
75. Johann Joachim Winckelmann from History of the Art of Antiquity (1764)……Page 200
76. Johann Joachim Winckelmann from History of the Art of Antiquity (1764)……Page 202
77. Giovanni Battista Piranesi from ‘‘Observations on the Letter of Monsieur Mariette’’ (1765)……Page 204
78. Giovanni Battista Piranesi from Opinions on Architecture (1765)……Page 211
79. Giovanni Battista Piranesi from ‘‘An Apologetical Essay in Defence of the Egyptian and Tuscan Architecture’’ (1769)……Page 214
Introduction……Page 216
80. Germain Boffrand from Book of Architecture (1745)……Page 217
81. E´ tienne Bonnot de Condillac from Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge (1746)……Page 219
82. Julien-David Le Roy from History of the Arrangement and Different Forms that the Christians Have Given to Their Churches (1764)……Page 221
83. Jacques-Franc¸ois Blondel from Course of Architecture (1771)……Page 223
84. Nicolas Le Camus de Me´zie`res from The Genius of Architecture (1780)……Page 225
85. Nicolas Le Camus de Me´zie`res from The Genius of Architecture (1780)……Page 227
86. Jean-Louis Viel de Saint-Maux from Letters on the Architecture of the Ancients and the Moderns (1787)……Page 230
87. A. C. Quatreme`re de Quincy from Methodical Encyclopedia (1788)……Page 232
88. E´ tienne-Louis Boulle´e from Architecture, Essay on Art (c.1794)……Page 236
89. E´ tienne-Louis Boulle´e from Architecture, Essay on Art (c.1794)……Page 239
90. Claude Nicolas Ledoux from Architecture Considered in Relation to Art, Morals, and Legislation (1804)……Page 242
91. John Soane from Royal Academy Lectures on Architecture (V and XI; 1812–15)……Page 244
Part IV: Theories of the Picturesque and the Sublime……Page 247
Introduction……Page 249
92. John Locke from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)……Page 250
93. William Temple from ‘‘Upon the Gardens of Epicurus; or, of Gardening in the Year 1685’’ (1692)……Page 255
94. John Vanbrugh from Letter to the Duchess of Marlborough (1709)……Page 256
95. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury from ‘‘The Moralists’’ (1709)……Page 258
96. Joseph Addison
from The Spectator (1712)……Page 260
97. Robert Castell
from The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated (1728)……Page 265
98. Batty Langley
from New Principles of Gardening (1728)……Page 267
99. Robert Morris
from Lectures on Architecture (1736)……Page 269
100. William Chambers
from Designs of Chinese Buildings (1757)……Page 271
Introduction……Page 275
101. John Locke
from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, fourth edition (1700)……Page 276
102. Joseph Addison
from The Spectator (1712)……Page 279
103. Jean Baptiste du Bos
from Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music (1719)……Page 282
104. Francis Hutcheson
from An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (1725)……Page 284
105. George Berkeley
from the ‘‘Third Dialogue’’ of Alciphron (1732)……Page 287
106. David Hume
from A Treatise of Human Nature (1739–40)……Page 292
107. Allan Ramsey
from ‘‘A Dialogue on Taste’’ in The Investigator (1755)……Page 293
108. Alexander Gerard
from An Essay on Taste (1756)……Page 295
109. David Hume
from ‘‘Of the Standard of Taste’’ (1757)……Page 297
110. Edmund Burke
from A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime
and Beautiful (1757)……Page 299
111. Edmund Burke
from A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime
and Beautiful (1757)……Page 303
112. Lord Kames
from Elements of Criticism (1762)……Page 310
113. Robert and James Adam
from Preface to The Works in Architecture of Robert and James Adam (1773–8)……Page 312
Introduction……Page 316
114. Thomas Whately
from Observations on Modern Gardening (1770)……Page 317
115. Horace Walpole
from ‘‘The History of the Modern Taste in Gardening’’ (1771)……Page 321
116. William Chambers
from A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening (1772)……Page 324
117. William Gilpin
from Observations on the River Wye (1782)……Page 326
118. Joshua Reynolds
from Discourses on Art (1786)……Page 329
119. John Soane
from Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Buildings (1788)……Page 331
120. Uvedale Price
from Essays on the Picturesque (1794)……Page 333
121. Richard Payne Knight
from ‘‘Postscript’’ to The Landscape, second edition (1795)……Page 338
122. Humphry Repton
from Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening (1795)……Page 342
123. Uvedale Price
from ‘‘An Essay on Architecture and Buildings as connected with
Scenery’’ (1798)……Page 345
124. Richard Payne Knight
from An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (1805)……Page 348
125. John Soane
from Royal Academy Lectures on Architecture, V, VIII, and XI (1812–15)……Page 351
Part V: The Rise of Historicism in the Nineteenth Century……Page 357
Introduction……Page 359
126. Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand
from Pre´cis of the Lectures on Architecture (1802)……Page 360
127. A. C. Quatreme`re de Quincy
from On Egyptian Architecture (1803)……Page 364
128. Christian Ludwig Stieglitz
from Archaeology of the Architecture of the Greeks and Romans (1801)……Page 366
129. A. C. Quatreme`re de Quincy
from The Olympian Jupiter (1814)……Page 367
130. Charles Robert Cockerell
from ‘‘On the Aegina Marbles’’ (1819)……Page 369
131. William Kinnard
annotations to Stuart and Revett’s The Antiquities of Athens,
second edition (1825)……Page 370
132. Otto Magnus von Stackelberg
from The Temple of Apollo at Bassae in Arcadia (1826)……Page 371
133. Jacques Ignace Hittorff
from ‘‘Polychrome Architecture Among the Greeks’’ (1830)……Page 373
134. Gottfried Semper
from Preliminary Remarks on Polychrome Architecture and Sculpture in
Antiquity (1834)……Page 374
135. Le´on Vaudoyer
excerpts from three letters of 1829, 1830, and 1831……Page 377
136. E´ mile Barrault
from To Artists (1830)……Page 379
137. Victor Hugo
from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1832)……Page 382
138. Gottfried Semper
from Preliminary Remarks on Polychrome Architecture and Sculpture in
Antiquity (1834)……Page 383
139. Le´once Reynaud
from ‘‘Architecture’’ in the New Encyclopedia (1834)……Page 385
Introduction……Page 388
140. Horace Walpole
from Letter to H. Zouch (1759)……Page 389
141. Horace Walpole
from A Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill (1774)……Page 390
142. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
from ‘‘On German Architecture’’ (1772)……Page 392
143. Franc¸ois Rene´ Chateaubriand
from The Genius of Christianity (1802)……Page 394
144. Friedrich von Schlegel
from Notes on a Trip through the Netherlands (1806)……Page 396
145. Joseph Go¨rres
from ‘‘The Cathedral in Cologne’’ (1814)……Page 399
146. Georg Moller
from Monuments of German Architecture (1815–21)……Page 401
147. Thomas Rickman
from An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of English Architecture (1817)……Page 402
148. William Whewell
from Architectural Notes on German Churches (1830)……Page 404
149. Robert Willis
from Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages (1835)……Page 407
150. A. W. N. Pugin
from Contrasts (1836)……Page 409
151. A. W. N. Pugin
from The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (1841)……Page 411
152. John Mason Neale and Benjamin Webb
from The Ecclesiologist (1841)……Page 412
153. Victor Hugo
from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1832)……Page 414
154. Le´once Reynaud
from ‘‘Architecture’’ in the New Encyclopedia (1834)……Page 416
155. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from ‘‘On the Construction of Religious Buildings in France’’ (1844)……Page 417
Introduction……Page 421
156. Immanuel Kant
from Critique of Judgment (1790)……Page 422
157. August Schlegel
from Lectures on Literature and the Fine Arts (1801–2)……Page 424
158. Friedrich Gilly
from ‘‘Some Thoughts on the Necessity of Endeavoring to Unify the
Various Departments of Architecture . . . ’’ (1799)……Page 425
159. Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Literary fragments (c.1805)……Page 427
160. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
from The Philosophy of Fine Art (1820s)……Page 429
161. Friedrich von Ga¨rtner
from Letter to Johann Martin von Wagner (1828)……Page 432
162. Heinrich Hu¨bsch
from In What Style Should We Build? (1828)……Page 433
163. Rudolf Wiegmann
from ‘‘Remarks on the Book: In What Style Should We Build?’’ (1829)……Page 436
164. Karl Friedrich Schinkel
from Notes for a textbook on architecture (c.1830)……Page 438
165. Karl Friedrich Schinkel
from Notes for a textbook on architecture (c.1835)……Page 440
166. Rudolf Wiegmann
from ‘‘Thoughts on the Development of a National Architectural Style
for the Present’’ (1841)……Page 441
167. Johann Heinrich Wolff
from ‘‘Remarks on the Architectural Questions Broached by Professor
Stier. . . ’’ (1845)……Page 443
168. Eduard Metzger
from ‘‘Contribution to the Contemporary Question: In What Style Should
One Build!’’ (1845)……Page 445
169. Carl Bo¨tticher
from ‘‘The Principles of the Hellenic and Germanic Ways of Building’’ (1846)……Page 447
Introduction……Page 451
170. Thomas Jefferson
Letters (1787, 1791, 1805, 1810)……Page 452
171. Benjamin Latrobe
from Letter to Thomas Jefferson (1807)……Page 458
172. George Tucker
from ‘‘On Architecture’’ (1814)……Page 461
173. William Strickland
from Introductory lecture on architecture (1824)……Page 463
174. Thomas U. Walter
from ‘‘Of Modern Architecture’’ (1841)……Page 465
175. Arthur Delavan Gilman
from ‘‘Architecture in the United States’’ (1844)……Page 466
176. Thomas Alexander Tefft
from ‘‘The Cultivation of True Taste’’ (1851)……Page 469
177. Ralph Waldo Emerson
from ‘‘Self-Reliance’’ (1841)……Page 470
178. Ralph Waldo Emerson
from ‘‘Thoughts on Art’’ (1841)……Page 472
179. Horatio Greenough
from Letter to Washington Allston (1831)……Page 475
180. Horatio Greenough
from ‘‘American Architecture’’ (1843)……Page 478
181. Horatio Greenough
from ‘‘Structure and Organization’’ (1852)……Page 480
182. Henry David Thoreau
from his journal ( January 11, 1852)……Page 482
183. Andrew Jackson Downing
from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1841)……Page 483
184. Andrew Jackson Downing
from Cottage Residences (1842)……Page 486
185. Andrew Jackson Downing
from Hints to Persons about Building in the Country (1847)……Page 488
186. Andrew Jackson Downing
from The Architecture of Country Houses (1850)……Page 490
187. Calvert Vaux
from Villas and Cottages (1857)……Page 491
188. James Jackson Jarves
from The Art-Idea (1864)……Page 494
Part VI: Historicism in the Industrial Age……Page 497
Introduction……Page 499
189. Thomas Hope
from Observations on the Plans and Elevations Designed by James Wyatt (1804)……Page 500
190. Thomas Hope
from An Historical Essay on Architecture (1835)……Page 502
191. Thomas Leverton Donaldson
from ‘‘Preliminary Discourse before the University College of London’’ (1842)……Page 504
192. John Ruskin
from The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849)……Page 505
193. James Fergusson, A. W. N. Pugin, Edward Lacy Garbett, and Robert Kerr
from The Builder (1850)……Page 508
194. Edward Lacy Garbett
from Rudimentary Treatise on the Principles of Design in Architecture (1850)……Page 514
195. John Ruskin
from ‘‘The Nature of Gothic’’ (1851–3)……Page 516
196. Matthew Digby Wyatt
from The Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century (1851)……Page 519
197. Richard Redgrave
from ‘‘Supplementary Report on Design’’ (1852)……Page 521
198. Owen Jones
from The Grammar of Ornament (1856)……Page 523
199. John Ruskin
from ‘‘The Deteriorative Power of Conventional Art over Nations’’ (1859)……Page 525
200. Robert Kerr
‘‘The Battle of the Styles,’’ from The Builder (1860)……Page 526
201. James Fergusson
from History of the Modern Styles of Architecture (1862)……Page 528
202. William Morris
Prospectus for Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company (1861)……Page 529
Introduction……Page 531
203. Albert Lenoir and Le´on Vaudoyer
from ‘‘Studies of Architecture in France’’ (1844)……Page 532
204. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from ‘‘On the Construction of Religious Building in France’’ (1845)……Page 534
205. Ce´sar Daly
from ‘‘On Liberty in Art’’ (1847)……Page 536
206. Le´once Reynaud
from Treatise on Architecture (1850)……Page 538
207. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from ‘‘Architecture’’ in Reasoned Dictionary (1854)……Page 539
208. Gustave Courbet
from ‘‘Statement on Realism’’ (1855)……Page 541
209. Charles Baudelaire
from ‘‘The Painter of Modern Life’’ (1859)……Page 542
210. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from Lectures on Architecture, Lecture VI (1859)……Page 544
211. Ce´sar Daly
from Revue ge´ne´rale, Vol. 21 (1863)……Page 547
212. Ce´sar Daly
from Revue ge´ne´rale, Vol. 23 (1866)……Page 548
213. Bourgeois de Lagny
from ‘‘Salon of 1866’’……Page 550
214. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from ‘‘Style’’ in Reasoned Dictionary (1866)……Page 551
215. Euge`ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
from Lectures on Architecture, Lecture XII (1866)……Page 552
216. E´ mile Zola
from The Covered Market of Paris (1872)……Page 553
Introduction……Page 555
217. Karl von Schnaase
from Dutch Letters (1834)……Page 556
218. Karl Bo¨tticher
from Greek Tectonics (1843)……Page 557
219. Eduard van der Nu¨ ll
from ‘‘Suggestions on the Skillful Relation of Ornament to Untreated
Form’’ (1845)……Page 559
220. Heinrich Leibnitz
from The Structural Element in Architecture (1849)……Page 560
221. Gottfried Semper
from The Four Elements of Architecture (1851)……Page 562
222. Gottfried Semper
from Science, Industry, and Art (1852)……Page 566
223. Jacob Burckhardt
from The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860)……Page 571
224. Jacob Burckhardt
from The History of the Italian Renaissance (1867)……Page 572
225. Gottfried Semper
from Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts (1860)……Page 573
226. Gottfried Semper
from Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts (1860)……Page 577
227. Rudolf Hermann Lotze
from History of German Aesthetics (1868)……Page 581
228. Gottfried Semper
from On Architectural Style (1869)……Page 582
229. Richard Lucae
from ‘‘On the Meaning and Power of Space in Architecture’’ (1869)……Page 584
Additional Recommended Readings……Page 587
Acknowledgments……Page 594
Index……Page 609
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