The Essence of Computation: Complexity, Analysis, Transformation

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2566

ISBN: 3540003266, 9783540003267

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Pages: 478/477

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Amir M. Ben-Amram (auth.), Torben Æ. Mogensen, David A. Schmidt, I. Hal Sudborough (eds.)3540003266, 9783540003267

By presenting state-of-the-art aspects of the theory of computation, this book commemorates the 60th birthday of Neil D. Jones, whose scientific career parallels the evolution of computation theory itself.
The 20 reviewed research papers presented together with a brief survey of the work of Neil D. Jones were written by scientists who have worked with him, in the roles of student, colleague, and, in one case, mentor. In accordance with the Festschrift’s subtitle, the papers are organized in parts on computational complexity, program analysis, and program transformation.

Table of contents :
General Size-Change Termination and Lexicographic Descent….Pages 3-17
Comparing Star and Pancake Networks….Pages 18-36
Synchronization of Finite Automata: Contributions to an Old Problem….Pages 37-59
Lambda Calculi and Linear Speedups….Pages 60-82
Design and Implementation of a Special-Purpose Static Program Analyzer for Safety-Critical Real-Time Embedded Software….Pages 85-108
Meta-circular Abstract Interpretation in Prolog….Pages 109-134
Flow Analysis: Games and Nets….Pages 135-156
On Extracting Static Semantics….Pages 157-171
Foundations of the Bandera Abstraction Tools….Pages 172-203
Types in Program Analysis….Pages 204-222
Flow Logic: A Multi-paradigmatic Approach to Static Analysis….Pages 223-244
Structure-Preserving Binary Relations for Program Abstraction….Pages 245-265
Principles of Inverse Computation and the Universal Resolving Algorithm….Pages 269-295
A Symmetric Approach to Compilation and Decompilation….Pages 296-331
The Abstraction and Instantiation of String-Matching Programs….Pages 332-357
WSDFU: Program Transformation System Based on Generalized Partial Computation….Pages 358-378
Homeomorphic Embedding for Online Termination of Symbolic Methods….Pages 379-403
Simple Driving Techniques….Pages 404-419
Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction….Pages 420-435
From Type Inference to Configuration….Pages 436-471


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