Robert A. Wilson, Frank Keil9780262731249, 9780585459585, 026273124X
Table of contents :
MITECS……Page 1
Half Title……Page 2
Title……Page 4
CIP……Page 5
Dedication……Page 6
Contents……Page 8
List of Entries……Page 10
Preface……Page 14
Philosophy……Page 16
Psychology……Page 40
Neurosciences……Page 52
Computational Intelligence……Page 74
Linguistics and Language……Page 92
Culture, Cognition, and Evolution……Page 112
Encyclopedia Entires……Page 0
Acquisition, Formal Theories of……Page 134
Adaptation and Adaptationism……Page 136
Affordances……Page 137
Aging and Cognition……Page 139
Aging, Memory, and the Brain……Page 140
AI and Education……Page 142
Algorithm……Page 144
Altruism……Page 145
Ambiguity……Page 147
Amygdala, Primate……Page 148
Analogy……Page 150
Anaphora……Page 153
Animal Communication……Page 155
Animal Navigation……Page 157
Animal Navigation, Neural Networks……Page 159
Animism……Page 161
Anomalous Monism……Page 163
Aphasia……Page 164
Archaeology……Page 165
Articulation……Page 166
Artifacts and Civilization……Page 168
Artificial Life……Page 170
Attention……Page 172
Attention in the Animal Brain……Page 174
Attention in the Human Brain……Page 176
Attribution Theory……Page 179
Audition……Page 181
Auditory Attention……Page 183
Auditory Physiology……Page 185
Auditory Plasticity……Page 189
Autism……Page 191
Automata……Page 193
Automaticity……Page 196
Autonomy of Psychology……Page 197
Bartlett, Frederic Charles……Page 199
Basal Ganglia……Page 200
Bayesian Learning……Page 203
Bayesian Networks……Page 205
Behavior-Based Robotics……Page 207
Behaviorism……Page 210
Bilingualism and the Brain……Page 213
Binding by Neural Synchrony……Page 214
Binding Problem……Page 218
Binding Theory……Page 219
Blindsight……Page 221
Bloomfield, Leonard……Page 223
Boas, Franz……Page 224
Bounded Rationality……Page 225
Brentano, Franz……Page 227
Broadbent, Donald E…….Page 228
Broca, Paul……Page 230
Cajal, Santiago Ramón y……Page 231
Case-Based Reasoning and Analogy……Page 232
Categorial Grammar……Page 234
Categorization……Page 237
Causal Reasoning……Page 239
Causation……Page 241
Cerebellum……Page 243
Cerebral Cortex……Page 244
Chess, Psychology of……Page 246
Chinese Room Argument……Page 248
Church-Turing Thesis……Page 249
Codeswitching……Page 251
Cognitive Anthropology……Page 253
Cognitive Archaeology……Page 255
Cognitive Architecture……Page 257
Cognitive Artifacts……Page 259
Cognitive Development……Page 261
Cognitive Ergonomics……Page 263
Cognitive Ethology……Page 265
Cognitive Linguistics……Page 267
Cognitive Maps……Page 268
Cognitive Modeling, Connectionist……Page 270
Cognitive Modeling, Symbolic……Page 274
Color Categorization……Page 276
Color, Neurophysiology of……Page 278
Color Vision……Page 280
Columns and Modules……Page 281
Comparative Psychology……Page 283
Compositionality……Page 285
Computation……Page 286
Computation and the Brain……Page 288
Computational Complexity……Page 291
Computational Learning Theory……Page 292
Computational Lexicons……Page 293
Computational Linguistics……Page 295
Computational Neuroanatomy……Page 297
Computational Neuroscience……Page 299
Computational Psycholinguistics……Page 301
Computational Theory of Mind……Page 303
Computational Vision……Page 305
Computing in Single Neurons……Page 307
Concepts……Page 309
Conceptual Change……Page 312
Conditioning……Page 315
Conditioning and the Brain……Page 317
Connectionism, Philosophical Issues……Page 319
Connectionist Approaches to Language……Page 321
Consciousness……Page 323
Consciousness, Neurobiology of……Page 326
Constraint Satisfaction……Page 328
Context and Point of View……Page 331
Control Theory……Page 332
Cultural Psychology……Page 344
Cultural Relativism……Page 346
Cultural Symbolism……Page 349
Cultural Variation……Page 350
Cooperation and Competition……Page 334
Cortex……Page 335
Cortical Localization, History of……Page 336
Creativity……Page 338
Creoles……Page 339
Cultural Consensus Theory……Page 341
Cultural Evolution……Page 342
Darwin, Charles……Page 351
Decision Making……Page 353
Decision Trees……Page 356
Deductive Reasoning……Page 358
Dendrite……Page 359
Depth Perception……Page 360
Descartes, René……Page 362
Detectors……Page 363
Discourse……Page 364
Dissonance……Page 366
Distinctive Features……Page 367
Distributed vs. Local Representation……Page 369
Domain Specificity……Page 371
Dominance in Animal Social Groups……Page 373
Dreaming……Page 375
Dynamic Approaches to Cognition……Page 377
Dynamic Programming……Page 379
Dynamic Semantics……Page 380
Dyslexia……Page 382
Ebbinghaus, Hermann……Page 384
Echolocation……Page 386
Ecological Psychology……Page 388
Ecological Validity……Page 390
Economics and Cognitive Science……Page 392
Education……Page 394
Electrophysiology, Electric and Magnetic Evoked Fields……Page 395
Eliminative Materialism……Page 398
Emergentism……Page 400
Emotion and the Animal Brain……Page 402
Emotion and the Human Brain……Page 404
Emotions……Page 406
Epiphenomenalism……Page 408
Episodic vs. Semantic Memory……Page 411
Epistemology and Cognition……Page 413
Essentialism……Page 415
Ethics and Evolution……Page 417
Ethnopsychology……Page 419
Ethology……Page 421
Evolution……Page 423
Evolution of Language……Page 425
Evolutionary Computation……Page 426
Evolutionary Psychology……Page 428
Expertise……Page 431
Explanation……Page 433
Explanation-Based Learning……Page 434
Explanatory Gap……Page 437
Extensionality, Thesis of……Page 438
Eye Movements and Visual Attention……Page 439
Face Recognition……Page 442
Feature Detectors……Page 444
Figurative Language……Page 447
Focus……Page 448
Folk Biology……Page 450
Folk Psychology……Page 452
Formal Grammars……Page 453
Formal Systems, Properties of……Page 455
Frame-Based Systems……Page 457
Frame Problem……Page 459
Frege, Gottlob……Page 460
Freud, Sigmund……Page 461
Functional Decomposition……Page 462
Functional Role Semantics……Page 464
Functionalism……Page 465
Fuzzy Logic……Page 468
Game-Playing Systems……Page 469
Game Theory……Page 471
Generative Grammar……Page 473
Geschwind, Norman……Page 476
Gestalt Perception……Page 477
Gestalt Psychology……Page 479
Gibson, James Jerome……Page 482
Gödel’s Theorems……Page 484
Golgi, Camillo……Page 485
Grammar, Neural Basis of……Page 487
Grammatical Relations……Page 488
Greedy Local Search……Page 490
Grice, H. Paul……Page 492
Haptic Perception……Page 493
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar……Page 495
Head Movement……Page 497
Hebb, Donald O…….Page 499
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von……Page 500
Hemispheric Specialization……Page 502
Heuristic Search……Page 505
Hidden Markov Models……Page 506
High-Level Vision……Page 507
Hippocampus……Page 510
Historical Linguistics……Page 511
Human-Computer Interaction……Page 512
Human Navigation……Page 513
Human Universals……Page 515
Hume, David……Page 517
Illusions……Page 518
Imagery……Page 520
Imitation……Page 522
Implicature……Page 524
Implicit vs. Explicit Memory……Page 527
Indexicals and Demonstratives……Page 528
Individualism……Page 530
Induction……Page 532
Inductive Logic Programming……Page 533
Infant Cognition……Page 535
Information Theory……Page 537
Informational Semantics……Page 539
Innateness of Language……Page 541
Intelligence……Page 542
Intelligent Agent Architecture……Page 544
Intentional Stance……Page 545
Intentionality……Page 546
Intersubjectivity……Page 548
Introspection……Page 552
Jakobson, Roman……Page 554
James, William……Page 555
Judgment Heuristics……Page 556
Justification……Page 558
Kant, Immanuel……Page 560
Knowledge Acquisition……Page 561
Knowledge-Based Systems……Page 563
Knowledge Representation……Page 565
Language Acquisition……Page 567
Language and Communication……Page 571
Language and Culture……Page 574
Language and Gender……Page 575
Language and Thought……Page 577
Language Impairment, Developmental……Page 579
Language, Neural Basis of……Page 581
Language of Thought……Page 584
Language Production……Page 586
Language Variation and Change……Page 589
Lashley, Karl Spencer (1890–1958)……Page 591
Learning……Page 593
Learning Systems……Page 594
Lévi-Strauss, Claude……Page 596
Lexical Functional Grammar……Page 597
Lexicon……Page 600
Lexicon, Neural Basis of……Page 602
Lightness Perception……Page 604
Limbic System……Page 605
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis……Page 608
Linguistic Universals and Universal Grammar……Page 609
Linguistics, Philosophical Issues……Page 611
Literacy……Page 614
Logic……Page 615
Logic Programming……Page 617
Logical Form in Linguistics……Page 619
Logical Form, Origins of……Page 621
Logical Omniscience, Problem of……Page 622
Logical Reasoning Systems……Page 624
Long-Term Potentiation……Page 625
Luria, Alexander Romanovich……Page 627
Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis……Page 628
Machine Learning……Page 630
Machine Translation……Page 631
Machine Vision……Page 634
Magic and Superstition……Page 636
Magnetic Resonance Imaging……Page 638
Malinowski, Bronislaw……Page 640
Manipulation and Grasping……Page 641
Marr, David……Page 644
McCulloch, Warren S…….Page 645
Meaning……Page 646
Memory……Page 647
Memory, Animal Studies……Page 650
Memory, Human Neuropsychology……Page 653
Memory Storage, Modulation of……Page 655
Mental Causation……Page 657
Mental Models……Page 658
Mental Representation……Page 660
Mental Retardation……Page 662
Mental Rotation……Page 664
Metacognition……Page 666
Metaphor……Page 668
Metaphor and Culture……Page 670
Metareasoning……Page 672
Metarepresentation……Page 674
Meter and Poetry……Page 676
Mid-Level Vision……Page 678
Mind-Body Problem……Page 679
Minimalism……Page 681
Minimum Description Length……Page 683
Mobile Robots……Page 684
Modal Logic……Page 687
Modeling Neuropsychological Deficits……Page 688
Modularity and Language……Page 690
Modularity of Mind……Page 691
Moral Psychology……Page 694
Morphology……Page 695
Motion, Perception of……Page 697
Motivation……Page 699
Motivation and Culture……Page 701
Motor Control……Page 703
Motor Learning……Page 704
Multiagent Systems……Page 706
Multisensory Integration……Page 707
Neural Networks……Page 730
Neural Plasticity……Page 731
Neuroendocrinology……Page 734
Neuron……Page 736
Neurotransmitters……Page 738
Newell, Allen……Page 740
Nonmonotonic Logics……Page 741
Numeracy and Culture……Page 744
Naive Mathematics……Page 708
Naive Physics……Page 710
Naive Sociology……Page 712
Narrow Content……Page 714
Nativism……Page 716
Nativism, History of……Page 719
Natural Kinds……Page 721
Natural Language Generation……Page 722
Natural Language Processing……Page 725
Neural Development……Page 727
Object Recognition, Animal Studies……Page 746
Object Recognition, Human Neuropsychology……Page 748
Oculomotor Control……Page 751
Optimality Theory……Page 753
Pain……Page 755
Parameter-Setting Approaches to Acquisition, Creolization, and Diachrony……Page 757
Parsimony and Simplicity……Page 760
Pattern Recognition and Feedforward Networks……Page 762
Penfield, Wilder……Page 764
Perceptual Development……Page 765
Phantom Limb……Page 768
Phonetics……Page 769
Phonological Rules and Processes……Page 770
Phonology……Page 772
Phonology, Acquisition of……Page 774
Phonology, Neural Basis of……Page 776
Physicalism……Page 778
Piaget, Jean……Page 780
Pictorial Art and Vision……Page 781
Pitts, Walter……Page 784
Planning……Page 785
Plasticity……Page 787
Positron Emission Tomography……Page 789
Possible Worlds Semantics……Page 792
Poverty of the Stimulus Arguments……Page 793
Pragmatics……Page 794
Presupposition……Page 797
Primate Cognition……Page 799
Primate Language……Page 802
Probabilistic Reasoning……Page 804
Probability, Foundations of……Page 806
Problem Solving……Page 807
Production Systems……Page 809
Propositional Attitudes……Page 811
Prosody and Intonation……Page 812
Prosody and Intonation, Processing Issues……Page 815
Psychoanalysis, Contemporary Views……Page 816
Psychoanalysis, History of……Page 818
Psycholinguistics……Page 821
Psychological Laws……Page 823
Psychophysics……Page 824
Qualia……Page 826
Quantifiers……Page 827
Radical Interpretation……Page 829
Rational Agency……Page 831
Rational Choice Theory……Page 832
Rational Decision Making……Page 834
Rationalism vs. Empiricism……Page 836
Reading……Page 838
Realism and Antirealism……Page 840
Recurrent Networks……Page 842
Reductionism……Page 845
Reference, Theories of……Page 847
Reinforcement Learning……Page 848
Relational Grammar……Page 850
Relevance and Relevance Theory……Page 852
Religious Ideas and Practices……Page 853
Retina……Page 855
Robotics and Learning……Page 856
Rules and Representations……Page 857
Sapir, Edward……Page 859
Saussure, Ferdinand de……Page 861
Schemata……Page 862
Scientific Thinking and Its Development……Page 863
Self……Page 866
Self-Knowledge……Page 868
Self-Organizing Systems……Page 870
Semantics……Page 872
Semantics, Acquisition of……Page 875
Semiotics and Cognition……Page 877
Sensations……Page 878
Sense and Reference……Page 879
Sentence Processing……Page 881
Sexual Attraction, Evolutionary Psychology of……Page 884
Shape Perception……Page 886
Sign Language and the Brain……Page 889
Sign Languages……Page 891
Signal Detection Theory……Page 893
Similarity……Page 896
Simulation vs. Theory-Theory……Page 898
Single-Neuron Recording……Page 899
Situated Cognition and Learning……Page 900
Situatedness/Embeddedness……Page 902
Situation Calculus……Page 904
Sleep……Page 905
Smell……Page 908
Social Cognition……Page 910
Social Cognition in Animals……Page 911
Social Play Behavior……Page 913
Sociobiology……Page 916
Spatial Perception……Page 917
Speech Perception……Page 920
Speech Recognition in Machines……Page 923
Speech Synthesis……Page 925
Sperry, Roger Wolcott……Page 927
Spoken-Word Recognition……Page 929
Statistical Learning Theory……Page 931
Statistical Techniques in Natural Language Processing……Page 934
Stereo and Motion Perception……Page 935
Stereotyping……Page 937
Stress……Page 939
Stress, Linguistic……Page 941
Structure from Visual Information Sources……Page 943
Supervenience……Page 945
Supervised Learning in Multilayer Neural Networks……Page 947
Surface Perception……Page 949
Symbolism……Page 950
Syntax……Page 951
Syntax, Acquisition of……Page 953
Syntax-Semantics Interface……Page 957
Taste……Page 959
Technology and Human Evolution……Page 961
Temporal Reasoning……Page 962
Tense and Aspect……Page 964
Teuber, Hans-Lukas……Page 965
Texture……Page 966
Thalamus……Page 968
Thematic Roles……Page 970
Theory of Mind……Page 971
Time in the Mind……Page 974
Tone……Page 976
Top-Down Processing in Vision……Page 977
Transparency……Page 978
Turing, Alan Mathison……Page 980
Tversky, Amos……Page 982
Twin Earth……Page 983
Typology……Page 985
Uncertainty……Page 986
Unconscious……Page 988
Unity of Science……Page 989
Unsupervised Learning……Page 990
Utility Theory……Page 992
Vagueness……Page 994
Vision and Learning……Page 996
Visual Anatomy and Physiology……Page 997
Visual Cortex, Cell Types and Connections in……Page 1000
Visual Neglect……Page 1002
Visual Object Recognition, AI……Page 1004
Visual Processing Streams……Page 1006
Visual Word Recognition……Page 1008
von Neumann, John……Page 1009
Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich……Page 1011
Walking and Running Machines……Page 1012
Wh-Movement……Page 1015
What-It’s-Like……Page 1016
Wiener, Norbert……Page 1017
Word Meaning, Acquisition of……Page 1019
Working Memory……Page 1021
Working Memory, Neural Basis of……Page 1023
Writing Systems……Page 1027
Wundt, Wilhelm……Page 1029
X-Bar Theory……Page 1031
Contributors……Page 1034
Name Index……Page 1046
Subject Index……Page 1078
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