Luigi Accardi (auth.), Luigi Accardi, Wilhelm von Waldenfels (eds.)354018919X, 9783540189190, 038718919X
Table of contents :
A note on Meyer’s note….Pages 1-5
Stochastic integration….Pages 6-19
Quantum stochastic parallel transport on non-commutative vector bundles….Pages 20-36
Input and output channels in quantum systems and quantum stochastic differential equations….Pages 37-51
Some noncommutative Radon-Nikodym Theorems for von Neumann algebras….Pages 52-68
Multidimensional quantum diffusions….Pages 69-88
An application of de finetti’s theorem….Pages 89-102
The quantum Langevin equation from the independent-oscillator model….Pages 103-106
Quantum poisson processes: Physical motivations and applications….Pages 107-127
A noncommutative generalization of conditionally positive definite functions….Pages 128-148
Contraction semigroups in L 2 over a von neumann algebra….Pages 149-153
Survey on a theory of non-commutative stationary markov processes….Pages 154-182
Dynamical entropy for quantum systems….Pages 183-191
An integral kernel approach to noise….Pages 192-208
A note on shifts and cocycles….Pages 209-212
Local measures in fock space stochastic calculus and a generalized ito-tanaka formula….Pages 213-231
Representation of a class of quantum martingales II….Pages 232-250
Conditional expectation in quantum probability….Pages 251-260
Mutual quadratic variation and ito’s table in quantum stochastic calculus….Pages 261-274
On mixing properties of automorphisms of von neumann algebras related to measure space transformations….Pages 275-284
First exit time: A theory of stopping times in quantum processes….Pages 285-299
A central limit theorem on the free lie group….Pages 300-318
Entropy, observability and the generalised second law of thermodynamics….Pages 319-328
Remarks on asymptotic properties of groups of the bogoliubov transformations of car c*-algebras….Pages 329-342
Linear and non-linear stochastic processes….Pages 343-353
Detailed balance and critical slowing down….Pages 354-362
Quantum martingales and stochastic integrals….Pages 363-373
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