Oracle Enterprise Manager. Configuration Guide

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Edition: release 9.0.1

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The Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide explains how to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 9.0.1.Oracle Enterprise Manager is a system management tool which provides an integrated solution for managing your heterogeneous environment. The product combines a graphical console, agents, common services, and tools to provide an integrated, comprehensive systems management platform for managing Oracle products.After you have completed the configuration procedures, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager online help or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide for information on how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager.For program updates and important notes on using Oracle Enterprise Manager. refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Readme.

Table of contents :
Send Us Your Comments……Page 9
Preface……Page 11
1 Introduction……Page 19
Product Architecture……Page 20
First Tier: Centralized Consoles……Page 21
Third Tier: Managed Targets and Autonomous Intelligent Agents……Page 23
Architectural Extensibility……Page 24
Client/Server Deployment……Page 25
Three Tier Deployment……Page 26
Certifications……Page 28
System and Hardware Requirements……Page 31
2 Standalone……Page 33
Choosing to Launch the Console Standalone……Page 34
Starting the Standalone Console……Page 37
Adding Databases to the Tree in the Standalone Console……Page 39
Standalone Repository……Page 41
Create a Tablespace for Standalone Repository……Page 44
Create a Database User for Standalone Repository……Page 47
3 Configuring and Controlling the Management Server……Page 49
Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant……Page 50
Configuring a Local Management Server To Use a New Release 9i Repository……Page 52
Welcome……Page 53
Configuration Operation……Page 54
Configure Oracle Management Server……Page 56
Create New Repository Options……Page 57
Select Database Location……Page 60
Change Database SID……Page 61
Select Database for Repository……Page 63
Repository Login Information……Page 64
Select Repository User Tablespaces……Page 66
Create Repository Summary……Page 70
Configuration Assistant Progress Window……Page 71
Configuring a Local Management Server To Use An Existing Repository……Page 74
Configuration Operation……Page 75
Edit Configuration Parameters……Page 76
Select Management Region……Page 77
Configuration Parameters Summary……Page 80
Backing Up the Repository……Page 81
Configuration Assistant Steps to Upgrading the Repository……Page 82
Select Repository for Upgrade……Page 83
Upgrade Repository Configuration Assistant Progress……Page 84
Select the Database of the Repository You Want to Drop……Page 86
Select Drop Repository Options……Page 87
Drop Repository Configuration Assistant Progress……Page 88
Starting a Local Management Server On Windows……Page 89
Starting a Local Management Server On UNIX……Page 90
Checking the Status of the Management Server……Page 91
Stopping a Local Management Server……Page 94
4 Configuring the Console when Connected to a Management Server……Page 95
Choosing to Launch the Console by Logging into a Management Server……Page 96
Starting the Console with a Management Server Connection……Page 98
Discovering Nodes in Your Environment……Page 100
Creating Administrator Accounts……Page 102
Granting OEM_MONITOR Role to Database Preferred Credentials……Page 103
Enabling the Job System……Page 104
Assigning Privileges to an Existing Windows NT User Account……Page 105
Configuring a Windows NT Domain User as Your Intelligent Agent User……Page 106
Configuring and Starting the Paging Server……Page 107
Configuring the Paging Server……Page 108
Adding a Paging Server……Page 109
Adding Paging Carrier……Page 110
Specifying Paging Notification Preferences……Page 111
Configuring Enterprise Manager Reporting……Page 112
Starting and Stopping the Oracle HTTP Server……Page 113
Run the oemctl configure rws Script……Page 114
Configuring the Console If Using a Dialup Line……Page 115
5 Running Enterprise Manager from a Web Browser……Page 117
Client Install……Page 118
Server-Side Install……Page 119
Run the Browser-Based Oracle Enterprise Manager on the Client……Page 121
Apache 1.3.9 or Higher……Page 125
Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0……Page 126
6 Tuning the Oracle Management Server……Page 129
Setting the Maximum Connections In……Page 130
Smoothing Over Temporary Network Failures……Page 131
A Directory Structure……Page 133
$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/ Directory……Page 134
$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/ Directory……Page 135
B Activating Logging and Tracing……Page 137
Tracing of the Management Server……Page 138
Logging of the Management Server……Page 139
Enterprise Manager Client Application Tracing……Page 141
Browser-Based Enterprise Manager Tracing……Page 143
Paging Server Tracing……Page 144
SQL Engine Tracing……Page 145
Tracing and Logging of Management Pack Applications……Page 146
Repository Sizing……Page 147
D Globalization Support……Page 153
Setting the Language for the Console……Page 154
E Using Enterprise Manager on Windows 2000……Page 155
Differences between using Enterprise Manager on Windows NT and Windows 2000……Page 156
Assigning Privileges to a Windows 2000 User……Page 157
F Troubleshooting……Page 159
MetaLink……Page 160
Oracle Technical Support……Page 163
Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant Errors……Page 164
Creating an OEM_REPOSITORY Tablespace if One Does Not Exist……Page 166
Creating Another Tablespace……Page 167
Increasing the Size of an Existing Tablespace……Page 168
Database Parameters Not Large Enough for Repository Operation……Page 169
Changing the Permissions on the File……Page 171
Management Server May Not Run Correctly from a Non-Default Oracle Home……Page 173
oms.nohup File……Page 174
Windows NT Event Log……Page 175
Error Messages When Starting the Management Server……Page 176
Running the Management Server on a Multiple NIC Machine……Page 177
Console Hangs……Page 179
Console Does Not Launch Web Browser……Page 180
Resetting the Password……Page 181
Setting the Format of Dates……Page 182
G Keyboard Navigation……Page 183
Index……Page 185


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