Computer Vision Systems: 6th International Conference, ICVS 2008 Santorini, Greece, May 12-15, 2008 Proceedings

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5008 : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues

ISBN: 3540795464, 9783540795469

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Pages: 560/552

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Muhammad Zaheer Aziz, Bärbel Mertsching (auth.), Antonios Gasteratos, Markus Vincze, John K. Tsotsos (eds.)3540795464, 9783540795469

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2008, held in Santorini, Greece, May 12-15, 2008.

The 23 revised papers presented together with 30 poster presentations and 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 128 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on cognitive vision, monitor and surveillance, computer vision architectures, calibration and registration object recognition and tracking, learning, human machine interaction as well as cross modal systems.

Table of contents :
Front Matter….Pages –
Front Matter….Pages 1-1
Visual Search in Static and Dynamic Scenes Using Fine-Grain Top-Down Visual Attention….Pages 3-12
Integration of Visual and Shape Attributes for Object Action Complexes….Pages 13-22
3D Action Recognition and Long-Term Prediction of Human Motion….Pages 23-32
Tracking of Human Hands and Faces through Probabilistic Fusion of Multiple Visual Cues….Pages 33-42
Enhancing Robustness of a Saliency-Based Attention System for Driver Assistance….Pages 43-55
Covert Attention with a Spiking Neural Network….Pages 56-65
Salient Region Detection and Segmentation….Pages 66-75
Front Matter….Pages 77-77
The SAFEE On-Board Threat Detection System….Pages 79-88
Region of Interest Generation in Dynamic Environments Using Local Entropy Fields….Pages 89-98
Real-Time Face Tracking for Attention Aware Adaptive Games….Pages 99-108
Rek-Means: A k-Means Based Clustering Algorithm….Pages 109-118
Smoke Detection in Video Surveillance: A MoG Model in the Wavelet Domain….Pages 119-128
Front Matter….Pages 129-129
Feature Extraction and Classification by Genetic Programming….Pages 131-140
GPU-Based Multigrid: Real-Time Performance in High Resolution Nonlinear Image Processing….Pages 141-150
Attention Modulation Using Short- and Long-Term Knowledge….Pages 151-160
PCA Based 3D Shape Reconstruction of Human Foot Using Multiple Viewpoint Cameras….Pages 161-170
An On-Line Interactive Self-adaptive Image Classification Framework….Pages 171-180
Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture….Pages 181-189
Front Matter….Pages 191-191
A System for Geometrically Constrained Single View Reconstruction….Pages 193-205
Monocular Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Outdoor Ground Vehicles….Pages 206-215
Front Matter….Pages 191-191
Eyes and Cameras Calibration for 3D World Gaze Detection….Pages 216-227
Evaluating Multiview Reconstruction….Pages 228-237
Front Matter….Pages 239-239
Detecting and Recognizing Abandoned Objects in Crowded Environments….Pages 241-250
Diagnostic System for Intestinal Motility Disfunctions Using Video Capsule Endoscopy….Pages 251-260
An Approach for Tracking the 3D Object Pose Using Two Object Points….Pages 261-270
Adaptive Motion-Based Gesture Recognition Interface for Mobile Phones….Pages 271-280
Weighted Dissociated Dipoles: An Extended Visual Feature Set….Pages 281-290
Scene Classification Based on Multi-resolution Orientation Histogram of Gabor Features….Pages 291-301
Automatic Object Detection on Aerial Images Using Local Descriptors and Image Synthesis….Pages 302-311
CEDD: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor: A Compact Descriptor for Image Indexing and Retrieval….Pages 312-322
Ranking Corner Points by the Angular Difference between Dominant Edges….Pages 323-332
Skeletonization Based on Metrical Neighborhood Sequences….Pages 333-342
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Object Matching Using Asynchronous Agents and a Contrario Principles….Pages 343-352
A Tale of Two Object Recognition Methods for Mobile Robots….Pages 353-362
A Segmentation Approach in Novel Real Time 3D Plant Recognition System….Pages 363-372
Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework….Pages 373-382
Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition and Localization in a Biologically Motivated Architecture….Pages 383-392
Vein Segmentation in Infrared Images Using Compound Enhancing and Crisp Clustering….Pages 393-402
Multiscale Laplacian Operators for Feature Extraction on Irregularly Distributed 3-D Range Data….Pages 403-412
Front Matter….Pages 413-413
A System That Learns to Tag Videos by Watching Youtube….Pages 415-424
Front Matter….Pages 413-413
Geo-located Image Grouping Using Latent Descriptions….Pages 425-434
Functional Object Class Detection Based on Learned Affordance Cues….Pages 435-444
Increasing Classification Robustness with Adaptive Features….Pages 445-453
Learning Visual Quality Inspection from Multiple Humans Using Ensembles of Classifiers….Pages 454-463
Learning Contextual Variations for Video Segmentation….Pages 464-473
Learning to Detect Aircraft at Low Resolutions….Pages 474-483
A Novel Feature Selection Based Semi-supervised Method for Image Classification….Pages 484-493
Sub-class Error-Correcting Output Codes….Pages 494-504
Front Matter….Pages 505-505
Spatio-temporal 3D Pose Estimation of Objects in Stereo Images….Pages 507-516
Automatic Initialization for Facial Analysis in Interactive Robotics….Pages 517-526
Face Recognition Across Pose Using View Based Active Appearance Models (VBAAMs) on CMU Multi-PIE Dataset….Pages 527-535
Front Matter….Pages 537-537
Object Category Detection Using Audio-Visual Cues….Pages 539-548
Multimodal Interaction Abilities for a Robot Companion….Pages 549-558
Back Matter….Pages –


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