Amos Israeli, Marc Jalfon (auth.), Jan van Leeuwen, Nicola Santoro (eds.)3540540997, 9783540540991
Table of contents :
Self-stabilizing ring orientation….Pages 1-14
Memory-efficient self stabilizing protocols for general networks….Pages 15-28
On the computational power needed to elect a leader….Pages 29-40
Spanning tree construction for nameless networks….Pages 41-56
A linear fault-tolerant naming algorithm….Pages 57-70
Distributed data structures: A complexity-oriented view….Pages 71-89
An improved algorithm to detect communication deadlocks in distributed systems….Pages 90-101
On the average performance of synchronized programs in distributed networks….Pages 102-121
Distributed algorithms for reconstructing MST after topology change….Pages 122-132
Efficient distributed algorithms for single-source shortest paths and related problems on plane networks….Pages 133-150
Stepwise development of a distributed load balancing algorithm….Pages 151-168
Greedy packet scheduling….Pages 169-184
Optimal computation of global sensitive functions in fast networks….Pages 185-191
Efficient mechanism for fairness and deadlock-avoidance in high-speed networks….Pages 192-212
Strong verifiable secret sharing extended abstract….Pages 213-227
Weak consistency and pessimistic replica control….Pages 228-244
Localized-access protocols for replicated databases….Pages 245-262
Weighted voting for operation dependent management of replicated data….Pages 263-276
Wakeup under read/write atomicity….Pages 277-288
Time and message efficient reliable broadcasts….Pages 289-303
Early-stopping distributed bidding and applications….Pages 304-320
Fast consensus in networks of bounded degree….Pages 321-333
Common knowledge and consistent simultaneous coordination….Pages 334-352
Agreement on the group membership in synchronous distributed systems….Pages 353-372
Tight bounds on the round complexity of distributed 1-solvable tasks….Pages 373-389
A time-randomness tradeoff for communication complexity….Pages 390-401
Bounds on the costs of register implementations….Pages 402-421
A bounded first-in, first-enabled solution to the l-exclusion problem….Pages 422-431
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