Space and Astronomy: The People behind the Science (2006)(en)(192s)

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Edition: illustrated edition

Series: Pioneers in Science

ISBN: 9780816054671, 0-8160-5467-3

Size: 13 MB (13834857 bytes)

Pages: 209/209

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Scott McCutcheon, Bobbi McCutcheon9780816054671, 0-8160-5467-3

Without the daring, courageous, and innovative thinkers the past, life as we know it would be completely different; Planes, trains, and automobiles would never have been invented; Earth would be considered the center of the universe; and strep throat, polio, and smallpox would still be incurable diseases. Thankfully, individuals from various backgrounds and situations pushed themselves along the path of discovery and made great contributions to the scientific community, bravely initiating discoveries and broadening the minds of those around them. The “Pioneers in Science” set is a unique eight-volume collection profiling the people behind the science. Each volume consists of 10 biographical sketches of pioneers in particular scientific discipline, including information about their childhood, how they began their scientific career, their research, and enough scientific information for the reader to appreciate their discoveries and contributions. Encompassing a wide variety of scientific interests individuals were chosen to represent an array of discipline in each field, as well as different histories, personality traits, and approaches to research. Each easy-to-use volume contains photographs and illustrations, an introduction to the science, a glossary of related terms, and a list of books and websites for further information. Each chapter concludes with a chronology with its own suggestions for further reading. Comprehensive and accessible, the “Pioneers in Science” set provides extensive information about a small collection of pioneers from each major scientific field. Offering a wealth of information, these volumes are perfect for school reports, science classes and lectures, and any school or public library.


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