A primer of multivariate statistics

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Edition: 3rd ed

ISBN: 0805832106, 9780805832105, 9780585382326

Size: 7 MB (7532487 bytes)

Pages: 626/626

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Richard J. Harris0805832106, 9780805832105, 9780585382326

Drawing upon more than 30 years of experience in working with statistics, Dr. Richard J. Harris has updated A Primer of Multivariate Statistics to provide a model of balance between how-to and why. This classic text covers multivariate techniques with a taste of latent variable approaches. Throughout the book there is a focus on the importance of describing and testing one’s interpretations of the emergent variables that are produced by multivariate analysis. This edition retains its conversational writing style while focusing on classical techniques. The book gives the reader a feel for why one should consider diving into more detailed treatments of computer-modeling and latent-variable techniques, such as non-recursive path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and hierarchical linear modeling. Throughout the book there is a focus on the importance of describing and testing one’s interpretations of the emergent variables that are produced by multivariate analysis.


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