Klaus Ambos-Spies, Hans Fleischhack, Hagen Huwig (auth.), Egon Börger, Hans Kleine Büning, Michael M. Richter (eds.)3540502416, 9783540502418
Table of contents :
Diagonalizing over deterministic polynomial time….Pages 1-16
Resolution with feature unification….Pages 17-26
Surjectivity for finite sets of combinators by weak reduction….Pages 27-43
Proving finite satisfiability of deductive databases….Pages 44-55
Is setl a suitable language for parallel programming — a theoretical approach….Pages 56-63
Loose diagrams, semigroupoids, categories, groupoids and iteration….Pages 64-80
Algebraic operational semantics and modula-2….Pages 81-101
Program verification using dynamic logic….Pages 102-117
Induction in the elementary theory of types and names….Pages 118-128
On the computational complexity of quantified Horn clauses….Pages 129-137
The conjunctive complexity of quadratic boolean functions….Pages 138-150
On type inference for object-oriented programming languages….Pages 151-172
Optimization aspects of logical formulas….Pages 173-187
Logic of approximation reasoning….Pages 188-210
Deciding the path- and word-fair equivalence problem….Pages 211-222
Learning by teams from examples with errors….Pages 223-234
A survey of rewrite systems….Pages 235-262
Interfacing a logic machine….Pages 263-272
Complexity cores and hard-to-prove formulas….Pages 273-280
On the average case complexity of backtracking for the exact-satisfiability problem….Pages 281-288
On functions computable in nondeterministic polynomial time: Some characterizations….Pages 289-303
Developing logic programs: Computing through normalizing….Pages 304-321
Model theory of deductive databases….Pages 322-334
Algorithms for propositional updates….Pages 335-346
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