Environmental Fluid Mechanics

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Edition: 1

ISBN: 9780824787813, 0824787811

Size: 14 MB (14645545 bytes)

Pages: 734/734

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Hillel Rubin9780824787813, 0824787811

Environmental Fluid Mechanics provides comprehensive coverage of a combination of basic fluid principles and their application in a number of different situations-exploring fluid motions on the earth’s surface, underground, and in oceans-detailing the use of physical and numerical models and modern computational approaches for the analysis of environmental processes. Environmental Fluid Mechanics covers novel scaling methods for a variety of environmental issues; equations of motion for boundary layers; hydraulic characteristics of open channel flow; surface and internal wave theory; the advection diffusion equation; sediment and associated contaminant transport in lakes and streams; mixed layer modeling in lakes; remediation; transport processes at the air/water interface; and more.


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