Egon Börger, Dean Rosenzweig (auth.), Georg Gottlob, Alexander Leitsch, Daniele Mundici (eds.)3540571841, 9783540571841
Table of contents :
The mathematics of set predicates in Prolog….Pages 1-13
Some connections between set theory and computer science….Pages 14-22
Gödel’s Dialectica interpretation and its two-way stretch….Pages 23-40
Epistemic entrenchment and arithmetical hierarchy (abstract)….Pages 41-42
A critical reexamination of default logic, autoepistemic logic, and only knowing….Pages 43-60
Complexity issues in nonmonotonic logic and logic programming (abstract)….Pages 61-61
Strategies for resolution method in non-classical logics (Abstract)….Pages 62-62
Undecidability of implication problems in logic programming, database theory and classical logic….Pages 63-68
Building up a tool-box for Martin-Löf’s type theory (abstract)….Pages 69-70
The logic of the Gödel proof predicate….Pages 71-82
Superposition with simplification as a decision procedure for the monadic class with equality….Pages 83-96
Computation with access to the reals, but using only classical machines….Pages 97-107
The even more liberalized δ-rule in free variable Semantic Tableaux….Pages 108-119
Differentiating assumptions from extra-logical axioms in natural deduction….Pages 120-131
The inverse of fitting’s functional….Pages 132-143
On loop detection in connection calculi….Pages 144-151
On Arnol’d’s Hilbert symposium problems….Pages 152-158
The structure of exponentials: Uncovering the dynamics of linear logic proofs….Pages 159-171
On different concepts of function introduction….Pages 172-183
Double exponential inseparability of Robinson subsystem Q + from the unsatisfiable sentences in the language of addition….Pages 184-186
On the meaning of essentially unprovable theorems in the presburger theory of addition….Pages 187-189
A syntactic consistency proof for NaDSet….Pages 190-201
A rule-based algorithm for rigid E-unification….Pages 202-210
A scheme for weakened negative introspection in autoepistemic reasoning….Pages 211-222
On the weakness of sharply bounded polynomial induction….Pages 223-230
On the logic of hypergraphs….Pages 231-242
Recursion theoretic properties of frequency computation and bounded queries (extended abstract)….Pages 243-254
Interpreting true arithmetic in degree structures….Pages 255-262
Classical proofs as programs….Pages 263-276
Completeness of the pool calculus with an open built-in theory….Pages 277-288
On the saturation principle for a linear temporal logic….Pages 289-300
A construction of typed lambda models related to feasible computability….Pages 301-312
Nonmonotonic reasoning is sometimes simpler….Pages 313-324
Self-verifying axiom systems….Pages 325-336
Committed-choice concurrent logic programming in linear logic….Pages 337-348
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