Michael Hermann, Wolfgang Hoffmann (auth.), Reiner W. Hartenstein, Michal Z. Servít (eds.)3540584196, 9783540584193
Table of contents :
Fault modeling and test generation for FPGAs….Pages 1-10
A test methodology applied to Cellular logic Programmable Gate Arrays….Pages 11-22
Integrated layout synthesis for FPGA’s….Pages 23-33
Influence of logic block layout architecture on FPGA performance….Pages 34-44
A global routing heuristic for FPGAs based on mean field annealing….Pages 45-56
Power dissipation driven FPGA place and route under delay constraints….Pages 57-65
FPGA technology mapping for power minimization….Pages 66-77
Specification and synthesis of complex arithmetic operators for FPGAs….Pages 78-88
A speed-up technique for synchronous circuits realized as LUT-based FPGAs….Pages 89-92
An efficient technique for mapping RTL structures onto FPGAs….Pages 99-110
A testbench design method suitable for FPGA-based prototyping of reactive systems….Pages 111-113
Using consensusless covers for fast operating on Boolean functions….Pages 114-116
Formal verification of timing rules in design specifications….Pages 117-119
Optimized synthesis of self-testable finite state machines (FSM) using BIST-PST structures in Altera structures….Pages 120-122
A high-speed rotation processor….Pages 123-125
The MD5 message-digest algorithm in the XILINX FPGA….Pages 126-128
A reprogrammable processor for fractal image compression….Pages 129-131
Implementing GCD systolic Arrays on FPGA….Pages 132-134
Formal CAD techniques for safety-critical FPGA design and deployment in embedded subsystems….Pages 135-137
Direct sequence spread spectrum digital Radio DSP prototyping using xilinx FPGAs….Pages 138-140
FPGA based reconfigurable architecture for a compact vision system….Pages 141-143
A new FPGA architecture for word-oriented datapaths….Pages 144-155
Image processing on a custom computing platform….Pages 156-167
A superscalar and reconfigurable processor….Pages 168-174
A fast FPGA implementation of a general purpose neuron….Pages 175-182
Data-procedural languages for FPL-based machines….Pages 183-191
Implementing on line arithmetic on PAM….Pages 196-207
Software environment for WASMII: A data driven machine with a virtual hardware….Pages 208-219
Constraint-based hierarchical placement of parallel programs….Pages 220-229
ZAREPTA: A zero lead-time, all reconfigurable system for emulation, prototyping and testing of ASICs….Pages 230-239
Simulating static and dynamic faults in BIST structures with a FPGA based emulator….Pages 240-250
FPGA based prototyping for verification and evaluation in hardware-software cosynthesis….Pages 251-258
FPGA based low cost Generic Reusable Module for the rapid prototyping of subsystems….Pages 259-270
FPGA development tools: Keeping pace with design complexity….Pages 271-273
Meaningful benchmarks for logic optimization of table-lookup FPGAs….Pages 274-276
Educational use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays….Pages 277-279
Hardwire: A risk-free FPGA-to-ASIC migration path….Pages 280-282
Reconfigurable hardware from programmable logic devices….Pages 283-285
On some limits of XILINX based control logic implementations….Pages 286-288
Experiences of using XBLOX for implementing a digital filter algorithm….Pages 289-291
Continuous interconnect provides solution to density/performance trade-off in programmable logic….Pages 292-294
A high density complex PLD family optimized for flexibility, predictability and 100% routability….Pages 295-297
Design experience with fine-grained FPGAs….Pages 298-302
FPGA routing structures from real circuits….Pages 303-305
A tool-set for simulating altera-PLDs using VHDL….Pages 306-308
A CAD tool for the development of an Extra-Fast Fuzzy Logic Controller based on FPGAs and memory modules….Pages 309-311
Performance characteristics of the Monte-Carlo clustering processor (MCCP) – a field programmable logic based custom computing machine….Pages 312-314
A Design Environment with Emulation of Prototypes for hardware/software systems using XILINX FPGA….Pages 315-317
DSP development with full-speed prototyping based on HW/SW codesign techniques….Pages 318-320
The architecture of a general-purpose processor cell….Pages 321-325
The design of a stack-based microprocessor….Pages 326-331
Implementation and performance evaluation of an image pre-processing chain on FPGA….Pages 332-334
Signature testability of PLA….Pages 335-337
A FPL prototyping package with a C++ interface for the PC bus….Pages 338-340
Design of safety systems using Field Programmable Gate Arrays….Pages 341-343
A job dispatcher-collector made of FPGA’s for a centralized Voice Server….Pages 344-351
An optoelectronic 3-D Field Programmable Gate Array….Pages 352-360
On channel architecture and routability for FPGA’s under faulty conditions….Pages 361-372
High-performance datapath implementation on Field-Programmable Multi-Chip Module (FPMCM)….Pages 373-383
A laboratory for a digital design course using FPGAs….Pages 385-396
Coordinate Rotation DIgital Computer (CORDIC) synthesis for FPGA….Pages 397-408
MARC: A Macintosh NUBUS-expansion board based reconfigurable test system for validating communication systems….Pages 409-420
Artificial neural network implementation on a fine-grained FPGA….Pages 421-431
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