David S. Goodsell047141719X, 9780471417194, 0471469572, 9780471469575
Table of contents :
Title Page……Page 2
Edition Info……Page 3
1 The Quest for Nanotechnology……Page 12
2 Bionanomachines in Action……Page 20
The Unfamiliar World of Bionanomachines……Page 21
Modern Biomaterials……Page 25
The Legacy of Evolution……Page 39
Guided Tour of Natural Bionanomachinery……Page 43
3 Biomolecular Design and Biotechnology……Page 53
Recombinant DNA Technology……Page 55
Molecular Modeling……Page 76
Biomolecular Structure Determination……Page 67
4 Structural Principles of Bionanotechnology……Page 85
Natural Bionanomachinery is Designed for a Specific Environment……Page 86
A Hierarchical Strategy Allows Construction of Nanomachines……Page 87
The Raw Materials: Biomolecular Structure and Stability……Page 90
Protein Folding……Page 101
Self-Assembly……Page 113
Self-Organization……Page 126
Molecular Recognition……Page 131
Flexibility……Page 139
5 Functional Principles of Bionanotechnology……Page 145
Information-Driven Nanoassembly……Page 146
Energetics……Page 155
Chemical Transformation……Page 168
Regulation……Page 177
Biomaterials……Page 183
Biomolecular Motors……Page 199
Traffic Across Membranes……Page 213
Biomolecular Sensing……Page 221
Self-Replication……Page 226
Machine-Phase Bionanotechnology……Page 231
6 Bionanotechnology Today……Page 237
Basic Capabilities……Page 238
Nanomedicine Today……Page 247
Self-Assembly at Many Scales……Page 258
Harnessing Molecular Motors……Page 267
DNA Computers……Page 271
Molecular Design Using Biological Selection……Page 276
Artificial Life……Page 287
Hybrid Materials……Page 295
Biosensors……Page 300
7 The Future of Bionanotechnology……Page 305
A Timetable for Bionanotechnology……Page 306
Lessons for Molecular Nanotechnology……Page 308
Three Case Studies……Page 310
Ethical Considerations……Page 319
Literature……Page 322
Sources……Page 329
Index……Page 332
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