Bionanotechnology: lessons from nature

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Edition: 1

ISBN: 047141719X, 9780471417194, 0471469572, 9780471469575

Size: 21 MB (22524925 bytes)

Pages: 346/346

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David S. Goodsell047141719X, 9780471417194, 0471469572, 9780471469575

Discussions of the basic structural, nanotechnology, and system engineering principles, as well as an introductory overview of essential concepts and methods in biotechnology, will be included.  Text is presented side-by-side with extensive use of high-quality illustrations prepared using cutting edge computer graphics techniques.  Includes numerous examples, such applications in genetic engineering.  Represents the only available introduction and overview of this interdisciplinary field, merging the physical and biological sciences.  Concludes with the authors’ expert assessment of the future promise of nanotechnology, from molecular “tinkertoys” to nanomedicine.  David Goodsell is author of two trade books, Machinery of Life and Our Molecular Nature, and Arthur Olson is the world’s leader in molecular graphics and nano-scale representation.

Table of contents :
Title Page……Page 2
Edition Info……Page 3
1 The Quest for Nanotechnology……Page 12
2 Bionanomachines in Action……Page 20
The Unfamiliar World of Bionanomachines……Page 21
Modern Biomaterials……Page 25
The Legacy of Evolution……Page 39
Guided Tour of Natural Bionanomachinery……Page 43
3 Biomolecular Design and Biotechnology……Page 53
Recombinant DNA Technology……Page 55
Molecular Modeling……Page 76
Biomolecular Structure Determination……Page 67
4 Structural Principles of Bionanotechnology……Page 85
Natural Bionanomachinery is Designed for a Specific Environment……Page 86
A Hierarchical Strategy Allows Construction of Nanomachines……Page 87
The Raw Materials: Biomolecular Structure and Stability……Page 90
Protein Folding……Page 101
Self-Assembly……Page 113
Self-Organization……Page 126
Molecular Recognition……Page 131
Flexibility……Page 139
5 Functional Principles of Bionanotechnology……Page 145
Information-Driven Nanoassembly……Page 146
Energetics……Page 155
Chemical Transformation……Page 168
Regulation……Page 177
Biomaterials……Page 183
Biomolecular Motors……Page 199
Traffic Across Membranes……Page 213
Biomolecular Sensing……Page 221
Self-Replication……Page 226
Machine-Phase Bionanotechnology……Page 231
6 Bionanotechnology Today……Page 237
Basic Capabilities……Page 238
Nanomedicine Today……Page 247
Self-Assembly at Many Scales……Page 258
Harnessing Molecular Motors……Page 267
DNA Computers……Page 271
Molecular Design Using Biological Selection……Page 276
Artificial Life……Page 287
Hybrid Materials……Page 295
Biosensors……Page 300
7 The Future of Bionanotechnology……Page 305
A Timetable for Bionanotechnology……Page 306
Lessons for Molecular Nanotechnology……Page 308
Three Case Studies……Page 310
Ethical Considerations……Page 319
Literature……Page 322
Sources……Page 329
Index……Page 332


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