Stenersen0-7484-0910-6, 0-748-40910-6
Table of contents :
Front Cover……Page 1
About the Author……Page 8
Contents……Page 12
1. Introduction……Page 20
2. Why is a toxicant poisonous?……Page 34
3. Pesticides interfering with processes important to all organisms……Page 54
4. Bacillus thuringiensis and its toxins……Page 86
5. Specific enzyme inhibitors……Page 92
6. Interference with signal transduction in the nerves……Page 134
7. Pesticides that act as signal molecules……Page 158
8. Translocation and degradation of pesticides……Page 180
9. Resistance to pesticides……Page 212
10. Pesticides as environmental hazards……Page 232
Literature……Page 268
Index……Page 284
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