Marsha E. Ackermann, Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, Michael J. Schroeder, Mark F. Whitters, Janice J. Terry978-0-8160-6386-4
Table of contents :
Historical Atlas List of Maps……Page 9
List of Articles……Page 10
List of Contributors……Page 16
Chronology……Page 20
Major Themes……Page 32
Addams, Jane……Page 44
Afrikaners, South Africa……Page 45
Aga Khan……Page 46
Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio……Page 47
Alessandri, Arturo……Page 48
Algeria……Page 49
alliance system……Page 51
All-India Muslim League……Page 52
Ambedkar, Bhim Rao……Page 54
Amin, Qasim……Page 55
Amritsar massacre……Page 56
analytic philosophy……Page 57
anarchist movements in Europe and America……Page 58
Anglo-Japanese treaty……Page 59
anti-Communist encirclement campaigns in China (1930–1934)……Page 60
appeasement era……Page 61
Arab-Israeli War (1948)……Page 63
Arab nationalism……Page 66
Armenians in the Ottoman Empire……Page 68
art and architecture (1900–1950)……Page 69
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal……Page 72
Aung San……Page 74
Australia and New Zealand……Page 75
Balfour Declaration……Page 80
Balkan Wars (1912–1913)……Page 81
Bao Dai……Page 84
Batlle, José……Page 85
Ben-Gurion, David……Page 86
Black Dragon and Japanese ultranationalist societies……Page 87
Boer War……Page 88
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich……Page 89
Bonus Army……Page 90
Bose, Subhas Chandra……Page 91
Boxer Rebellion……Page 92
Brandeis, Louis D…….Page 93
British mandate in Palestine……Page 94
Bryan, William Jennings……Page 96
Cairo Conference (1921)……Page 98
Cairo Conference (1943)……Page 99
Calles, Plutarco……Page 100
Cárdenas, Lázaro……Page 101
Carranza, Venustiano……Page 102
Casely Hayford, Joseph Ephraim……Page 103
Chennault, Claire Lee……Page 104
Chiang Kai-shek……Page 105
Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)……Page 106
Chinese Communist Party (1921–1949)……Page 107
Churchill, Winston……Page 108
Clemenceau, Georges……Page 110
Comintern……Page 111
Communist Party of Indochina……Page 113
Cristero revolt……Page 114
Cunha, Euclides da……Page 115
D-day……Page 118
Debs, Eugene V…….Page 121
dollar diplomacy……Page 122
DuBois, W. E. B…….Page 123
dust bowl……Page 124
Edison, Thomas……Page 126
Egyptian Revolution (1919)……Page 127
Einstein, Albert……Page 128
El Alamein……Page 129
El Salvador/La Matanza……Page 130
Ellis Island……Page 131
environmentalism/ conserving nature……Page 134
Estrada Cabrera, Manuel……Page 135
Ethiopia (Abyssinia) and Italian aggression……Page 137
eugenics……Page 139
existentialism……Page 140
expatriates, U.S…….Page 141
fascism……Page 144
Federal Reserve banking system, U.S…….Page 148
Flint sit-down strike (1936–1937)……Page 149
Flores Magón, Ricardo……Page 150
Ford, Henry……Page 151
Franco, Francisco……Page 152
French mandate in Syria and Lebanon……Page 154
French West Africa (Afrique occidentale française)……Page 155
Freud, Sigmund……Page 157
Freyre, Gilberto……Page 158
Galveston flood……Page 160
Gandhi, Mohandas K…….Page 161
Garvey, Marcus……Page 163
Giichi Tanaka……Page 165
Gold Coast (Ghana)……Page 166
Goldman, Emma……Page 167
Gómez, Juan Vicente……Page 169
Gompers, Samuel……Page 170
Good Neighbor Policy (1933–1945)……Page 171
Great Depression, worldwide……Page 172
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere……Page 174
great migrations (1900–1950)……Page 175
Haganah……Page 180
Haitian massacre (1937)……Page 181
Hara Kei……Page 182
Harlem Renaissance……Page 183
Hashemite dynasty in Iraq……Page 184
Hashemite monarchy in Jordan (1914–1953)……Page 186
Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl……Page 187
Hirohito……Page 188
Hiroshima and Nagasaki……Page 190
Hitler, Adolf……Page 191
Holocaust, the……Page 194
Hoover, Herbert……Page 197
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)……Page 199
Hu Shi (Hu Shih)……Page 201
Huerta, Victoriano……Page 202
Ibn Saud, Abd al-Aziz……Page 204
India Act (1935)……Page 205
India Act, Government of (1919)……Page 206
Indian National Congress (1885–1947)……Page 207
Indian Reorganization Act, U.S…….Page 210
Industrial Workers of the World……Page 211
in uenza pandemic (1918)……Page 212
International Court of Justice (ICJ)……Page 214
Iran-Soviet relations……Page 215
Irish independence……Page 216
isolationism, U.S…….Page 218
Japan, U.S. occupation of……Page 220
Japanese constitution (1947)……Page 222
Japanese internment……Page 223
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali……Page 225
Karakhan Declaration, f rst and second……Page 226
Kenseikai, later Minseito, and Seiyukai Parties……Page 227
Kerensky, Alexander Fyodorovich……Page 229
Khilafat movement……Page 230
Kikuyu Central Association……Page 231
King Crane Commission (1919)……Page 232
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert……Page 233
Ku Klux Klan……Page 234
Kwantung Army……Page 236
LaFollette, Robert M…….Page 238
Lateran Treaty (1929)……Page 239
Latin American cinema……Page 240
Latin American feminism and women’s suffrage……Page 241
Latin American import substitution……Page 242
Latin American indigenismo……Page 244
Latin American modernism……Page 246
Latin American nationalism……Page 247
Latin American populism……Page 249
Latin American U.S. interventions……Page 251
Laurier, Wilfrid……Page 253
Lawrence, T. E…….Page 254
League of Nations……Page 255
Lebanese independence and the Confessional System……Page 256
Lenin, Vladimir……Page 257
Lindbergh, Charles……Page 260
literature……Page 261
Lloyd George, David……Page 263
Locarno agreements (1925)……Page 264
Long, Huey……Page 265
Lugard, Frederick, baron of Abinger……Page 266
Lutz, Bertha……Page 268
Lyautey, Louis-Hubert……Page 269
Lytton Commission and report……Page 271
MacArthur, Douglas……Page 272
Macaulay, Herbert……Page 274
Madero, Francisco……Page 275
Maginot line……Page 276
Manchurian incident and Manchukuo……Page 278
Manhattan Project……Page 279
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)……Page 281
March on Rome……Page 282
Mariátegui, José Carlos……Page 283
Marshall in China (1945–1947)……Page 284
Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue……Page 285
May Fourth Movement/ intellectual revolution……Page 287
Mexican constitution (1917)……Page 289
Mexican Revolution (1910–1920)……Page 290
Mitsui and Mitsubishi, Houses of……Page 292
Mongolian People’s Republic……Page 293
Moroccan crises……Page 294
motion picture industry……Page 295
Mukhtar, Omar……Page 299
Muslim Brotherhood……Page 300
Mussolini, Benito……Page 301
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)……Page 304
National Congress of British West Africa……Page 306
nativism, U.S…….Page 308
Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party)……Page 310
Nehru, Motilal……Page 312
New Deal, U.S…….Page 313
New Economic Policy, Soviet Union……Page 316
Nigerian National Democratic Party……Page 317
Northern Expedition……Page 318
Nuremberg Trials……Page 319
Nyasaland (Malawi)……Page 320
Obregón, Álvaro……Page 322
oil industry in the Middle East……Page 323
Olympic Games……Page 325
Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele……Page 326
Orozco, Pascual……Page 327
Pahlavi dynasty and Shah Reza Khan……Page 330
Pan-Africanism……Page 331
Panama Canal……Page 334
Pankhursts……Page 335
Pearl Harbor……Page 337
Pentecostalism……Page 339
phenomenology……Page 340
Philippines, U.S. occupation of the……Page 341
Por riato……Page 343
Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905)……Page 345
progressivism, U.S…….Page 347
Prohibition (North America)……Page 349
Quezon, Manuel……Page 351
racial segregation and race riots, U.S…….Page 353
Ralaimongo, Jean……Page 356
rape of Nanjing (Nanking), the……Page 357
Red Scare (1920)……Page 358
Rhodesia, Northern and Southern (pre-1950)……Page 359
Rif rebellion……Page 361
Rommel, Erwin……Page 362
Roosevelt, Eleanor……Page 363
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano……Page 364
Roosevelt, Theodore……Page 367
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine……Page 368
Russian Revolution (1905)……Page 369
Russian Revolution and Civil War (1917–1924)……Page 370
Sacco-Vanzetti trial……Page 375
Saionji Kimmochi……Page 376
Salazar, António de Oliveira……Page 377
San Remo Treaty (1920)……Page 378
Sandino, Augusto C…….Page 379
Sarekat Islam……Page 380
Schlieffen Plan……Page 381
Scopes trial……Page 382
Scottsboro Boys……Page 383
SEASIA (Southeast Asia)……Page 384
Selassie, Haile……Page 385
Shandong (Shantung) Question (1919)……Page 387
Sherif Husayn–McMahon Correspondence……Page 388
Shidehara Kijuro……Page 389
Sino-Japanese War……Page 390
Smith, Alfred E…….Page 392
Smuts, Jan Christiaan……Page 393
Somaliland……Page 394
Somoza García, Anastasio……Page 395
South African Native National Congress (pre–1950)……Page 396
Soviet Five-Year Plans……Page 397
Soviet purges……Page 399
Soviet society: social and cultural developments……Page 400
Spanish civil war……Page 402
SS (Schutzstaffel)……Page 405
Stalin, Joseph……Page 406
Stalingrad, Battle of (1942–1943)……Page 407
Stilwell mission……Page 409
Sudan under British rule (1900–1950)……Page 410
Sun Yat-sen……Page 412
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916)……Page 413
Taisho……Page 415
Tanganyika……Page 416
Tojo Hideki……Page 418
Tokyo International Court……Page 420
Trans-Siberian Railway……Page 421
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911)……Page 422
Trotsky, Leon……Page 423
Trujillo, Rafael……Page 424
Truman, Harry S…….Page 425
Tunisia……Page 427
Twenty-one Demands (1915)……Page 428
Tydings-McDuff e Act (1934)……Page 429
Ubico y Castañeda, Jorge……Page 431
Union of South Africa……Page 432
United Auto Workers……Page 434
United Fruit Company……Page 435
urbanization……Page 437
Vargas, Getúlio……Page 439
Vasconcelos, José……Page 440
Vichy France……Page 441
Villa, Francisco fianchofl……Page 443
Wafd Party (Egypt)……Page 445
Wang Jingwei (Wang Ching-wei)……Page 446
warlord era in China (1916–1927)……Page 447
Washington Conference and Treaties (1921–1922)……Page 448
Weimar Republic……Page 449
Weizmann, Chaim……Page 451
Wilson, Woodrow……Page 452
women’s suffrage and rights……Page 453
World War I……Page 455
World War II……Page 460
Xi’an (Sian) incident (1936)……Page 465
Yalta Conference (1945)……Page 467
Yamagata Aritomo……Page 469
Yan’an (Yenan) period of the Chinese Communist Party……Page 470
Young Turks……Page 471
Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai)……Page 472
Zaghlul, Sa’d……Page 475
Zapata, Emiliano……Page 476
Zelaya, José Santos……Page 477
Zhu De (Chu Teh)……Page 478
Zionism……Page 479
Resource Guide……Page 483
Index……Page 487
Photo Credits……Page 509
……Page 510
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