Alexander Aiken, Dexter Kozen, Moshe Vardi, Ed Wimmers (auth.), Egon Börger, Yuri Gurevich, Karl Meinke (eds.)3540582770, 9783540582779
The 21 full papers included were selected from a total of 62 submissions and essentially contribute to the whole area of computer science logic research. They are devoted to such topics as set constraints, lambda calculi, process algebras, program semantics, intuitionistic logics, fixed-point logics, the equivalence problem, Horn clauses, quantifiers, and proof tranformations.
Table of contents :
The complexity of set constraints….Pages 1-17
On duality for the modal μ-calculus….Pages 18-32
Short proofs of tautologies using the schema of equivalence….Pages 33-35
Process algebra with combinators….Pages 36-65
Is game semantics necessary?….Pages 66-77
The model theory of concurrency….Pages 78-90
From semantics to rules: A machine assisted analysis….Pages 91-105
On the reasons for average superlinear speedup in parallel backtrack search….Pages 106-127
Negation as inconsistency in PROLOG via intuitionistic logic….Pages 128-138
Approximable minimization problems and optimal solutions on random inputs….Pages 139-149
Bounded-arity hierarchies in fixed-point logics….Pages 150-164
Petri nets and the equivalence problem….Pages 165-174
Logical aspects of set constraints….Pages 175-188
Oracles and quantifiers….Pages 189-222
A Horn clause that implies an undecidable set of Horn clauses….Pages 223-237
Higher-order action calculi….Pages 238-260
A generic strong normalization argument: Application to the Calculus of Constructions….Pages 261-279
Data types, infinity and equality in system AF 2 ….Pages 280-294
Normalization for typed lambda calculi with explicit substitution….Pages 295-304
Program transformation and proof transformation….Pages 305-317
Incorporating generalized quantifiers and the least fixed point operator….Pages 318-333
“The semantics of the C programming language”….Pages 334-336
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