Ronald V. Book (auth.), Michal P. Chytil, Václav Koubek, Ladislav Janiga (eds.)354050110X, 9783540501107
Table of contents :
Sparse sets, tally sets, and polynomial reducibilities….Pages 1-13
Functional programming and combinatory algebras….Pages 14-26
On models and algebras for concurrent processes….Pages 27-43
String matching with constraints….Pages 44-58
Structure of complexity classes: Separations, collapses, and completeness….Pages 59-72
Inductive syntactical synthesis of programs from sample computations….Pages 73-84
3-dimensional shortest paths in the presence of polyhedral obstacles….Pages 85-92
Robust oracle machines….Pages 93-106
Recognizable sets with multiplicities in the tropical semiring….Pages 107-120
Reusable specification components….Pages 121-137
Comparing interconnection networks….Pages 138-153
Probabilistic automata complexity of languages depends on language structure and error probability….Pages 154-161
Breadth-first phrase structure grammars and queue automata….Pages 162-170
Implementing abstract data structures in hardware….Pages 171-179
Distribution of Sequential Processes….Pages 180-189
Automata and rational expressions on planar graphs….Pages 190-200
On maximal prefix sets of words….Pages 201-209
Infinite behaviour of deterministic petri nets….Pages 210-219
Testing isomorphism of outerplanar graphs in parallel….Pages 220-230
Efficient simulations between concurrent-read concurrent-write pram models….Pages 231-239
Multiple propositional dynamic logic of parallel programs….Pages 240-248
The steiner tree problem and homogeneous sets….Pages 249-261
Termination of rewriting is undecidable in the one-rvle case….Pages 262-270
Local checking of trace synchronizability….Pages 271-279
Edge separators for planar graphs and their applications….Pages 280-290
A fast parallel algorithm for eigenvalue problem of jacobi matrices….Pages 291-299
Strong and robustly strong polynomial time reducibilities to sparse sets….Pages 300-308
Context-free-like forms for the phrase-structure grammars….Pages 309-317
On the expressive strength of the finitely typed lambda — terms….Pages 318-328
Hoare calculi for higher — type control siructures and their completeness in the sense of cook….Pages 329-338
On representing CCS programs by finite petri nets….Pages 339-350
A taxonomy of fairness and temporal logic problems for petri nets….Pages 351-359
Branching programs as a tool for proving lower bounds on vlsi computations and optimal algorithms for systolic arrays….Pages 360-370
Two lower bounds for circuits over the basis (&, V, -)….Pages 371-380
Positive/Negative conditional rewriting….Pages 381-395
On the computational complexity of codes in graphs….Pages 396-404
Separating the eraser turing machine classes L e , NL e , co-NL e and P e ….Pages 405-413
Compositional proofs by partial specification of processes….Pages 414-423
Introducing negative information in relational databases….Pages 424-432
On positive occur-checks in unification….Pages 433-444
Two applications of fürer’s counter to one-tape nondeterministic TMs….Pages 445-453
Proof system for weakest prespecification and its applications….Pages 454-462
On complexity of counting….Pages 463-471
Design, proof and analysis of new efficient algorithms for incremental attribute evaluation….Pages 472-482
On efficiency of interval routing algorithms….Pages 483-491
An almost linear robinson unification algorithm….Pages 492-500
Random boolean formulas representing any boolean function with asymptotically equal probability….Pages 501-511
On the power of communication in alternating machines….Pages 512-517
Classes of cnf-formulas with backtracking trees of exponential or linear average order for exact-satisfiability….Pages 518-528
Bisections of free monoids and a new unavoidable regularity….Pages 529-537
Failures semantics and deadlocking of modular petri nets….Pages 538-541
A decomposition theorem for finite-valued transducers and an application to the equivalence problem….Pages 542-551
….Pages 552-562
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