Shigeki Akiyama (auth.), Kenji Nagasaka, Etienne Fouvry (eds.)3540527877, 9783540527879, 0387527877
Table of contents :
On a certain sum of traces of Hecke operators….Pages 1-10
Algebraically independent formal power series: A language theory interpretation….Pages 11-18
Sums of digits and the Hurwitz zeta function….Pages 19-30
Transcendental methods in arithmetic geometry….Pages 31-44
Globally bounded solutions of differential equations….Pages 45-64
Nombres presque premiers dans les petits intervalles….Pages 65-85
Diviseurs de Titchmarsh des entiers sans grand facteur premier….Pages 86-102
Uniform distribution of the zeros of the riemann zeta function and the mean value theorems of dirichlet L-functions (II)….Pages 103-125
Some conditions on uniform distribution of monotone sequences….Pages 126-132
Algebraic dependence of formal power series….Pages 133-137
Une consequence de la theorie du changement de base pour GL(n)….Pages 138-142
On the exponents of ideal class groups of CM-fields….Pages 143-148
Some asymptotic formulas of Ramanujan….Pages 149-167
Analyticity of dirichlet series over prime powers….Pages 168-177
Value-distribution of zeta-functions….Pages 178-187
Integrality of critical values of triple product L -functions….Pages 188-195
Multiple Hecke series for class-1 Whittaker functions on GL ( n ) over p -adic fields….Pages 196-214
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