P. Hasenfratz, F. Kleefeld, T. Kraus (auth.), Frieder Lenz, Harald Grießhammer, Dieter Stoll (eds.)9783540625438, 3540625437
Table of contents :
Fascinating field theory: Quantum field theory, renormalization group, and lattice regularization….Pages 1-35
Lattice gauge theory and the structure of the vacuum and hadrons….Pages 36-89
Topological effects on the physics of the standard model….Pages 90-127
Semiclassical aspects of quantum field theories….Pages 128-156
Anomalies in gauge theories….Pages 157-169
QCD sum rules….Pages 170-187
The skyrme model….Pages 188-216
Introduction to supersymmetry and exact nonperturbative results in SUSY-QCD….Pages 217-271
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