Fred S. Roberts9780898710267, 089871026X
Table of contents :
Graph Theory and Its Applications to Problems of Society……Page 1
Contents……Page 7
Preface……Page 9
CHAPTER 1 Introduction……Page 11
CHAPTER 2 The One-Way Street Problem……Page 17
CHAPTER 3 Intersection Graphs……Page 25
CHAPTER 4 Indifference, Measurement, and Seriation……Page 37
CHAPTER 5 Food Webs, Niche Overlap Graphs, and the Boxicity of Ecological Phase Space……Page 49
CHAPTER 6 Colorability……Page 59
CHAPTER 7 Independence and Domination……Page 67
CHAPTER 8 Applications of Eulerian Chains and Paths……Page 75
CHAPTER 9 Balance Theory and Social Inequalities……Page 89
CHAPTER 10 Pulse Processes and their Applications……Page 99
CHAPTER 11 Qualitative Matrices……Page 111
References……Page 119
Subject Index……Page 126
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