Molly E. Holzschlag0782141846, 9780782141849
CSS is finally supported by all modern web browsers, empowering Web designers to do what they’ve been hungering to do for years: control layout more precisely, use color more effectively, and expand typographic options beyond the frustrating limitations of the past. So where to begin? Where can you get design-focused instruction on CSS while learning the technical details? Cascading Style Sheets: The Designer’s Edge is precisely the resource you’ve been looking for. Written by renowned web designer Molly Holzschlag, this book begins with an in-depth look at structured markup, both XHTML and CSS. It then explains how to use CSS to achieve specific design goals involving typography, color, layout, and more. Finally, it deconstructs a series of impressive designs, showing you how the authors used CSS to maximize their efficiency and get exactly the right effect. Key topics you’ll learn about include: * Writing valid XHTML * Authoring effective CSS rules * Working with classes and IDs * Validating your CSS * Creating great typographical designs with CSS * Using CSS for backgrounds, borders, and color * Creating multiple link styles * Using absolute positioning * Working with relative positioning * Positioning with float * Creating great CSS layouts | |
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