Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation: 6th International Workshop, LOPSTR’96 Stockholm, Sweden, August 28–30, 1996 Proceedings

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1207

ISBN: 3540627189, 9783540627180

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Pages: 331/333

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I. J. Hayes, R. G. Nickson, P. A. Strooper (auth.), John Gallagher (eds.)3540627189, 9783540627180

This book constitutes the strictly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR’96, held on board a ship sailing from Stockholm to Helsinki, in August 1996.
The 17 revised full papers were carefully selected from a total of initially 27 submissions. The topics covered range over the areas of synthesis of programs from specifications, verification, transformation, specialization, and analysis of programs, and the use of program schemata in program development.

Table of contents :
Refining specifications to logic programs….Pages 1-19
Symbolic verification with gap-order constraints….Pages 20-37
Specification-based automatic verification of Prolog programs….Pages 38-57
Logic program specialisation: How to be more specific….Pages 58-58
Conjunctive partial deduction in practice….Pages 59-82
Redundant argument filtering of logic programs….Pages 83-103
Replacement can preserve termination….Pages 104-129
A transformation tool for pure Prolog programs….Pages 130-145
Enhancing partial deduction via unfold/fold rules….Pages 146-168
Abstract specialization and its application to program parallelization….Pages 169-186
Reductions of petri nets and unfolding of propositional logic programs….Pages 187-203
Inferring argument size relationships with CLP( $$mathcal{R}$$ )….Pages 204-223
Typed norms for typed logic programs….Pages 224-238
Partial deduction in the framework of structural synthesis of programs….Pages 239-255
Extensible logic program schemata….Pages 256-274
Specialising meta-level compositions of logic programs….Pages 275-294
Forms of logic specifications: A preliminary study….Pages 295-312
Synthesis of proof procedures for default reasoning….Pages 313-324


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