An introduction to queueing theory: Modeling and analysis in applications

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Edition: 1

Series: Statistics for Industry and Technology

ISBN: 9780817647247, 0817647244

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Pages: 268/272

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U. Narayan Bhat (auth.)9780817647247, 0817647244

This introductory textbook is designed for a one-semester course on queueing theory that does not require a course in stochastic processes as a prerequisite. By integrating the necessary background on stochastic processes with the analysis of models, the work provides a sound foundational introduction to the modeling and analysis of queueing systems for a broad interdisciplinary audience of students in mathematics, statistics, and applied disciplines such as computer science, operations research, and engineering.

Key features:

* An introductory chapter including a historical account of the growth of queueing theory in the last 100 years.

* A modeling-based approach with emphasis on identification of models using topics such as collection of data and tests for stationarity and independence of observations.

* Rigorous treatment of the foundations of basic models commonly used in applications with appropriate references for advanced topics.

* A chapter on modeling and analysis using computational tools.

* A comprehensive treatment of statistical inference for queueing systems.

* A discussion of operational and decision problems.

* Modeling exercises as a motivational tool, and review exercises covering background material on statistical distributions.

An Introduction to Queueing Theory may be used as a textbook by first-year graduate students in fields such as computer science, operations research, industrial and systems engineering, as well as related fields such as manufacturing and communications engineering. Upper-level undergraduate students in mathematics, statistics, and engineering may also use the book in an elective introductory course on queueing theory. With its rigorous coverage of basic material and extensive bibliography of the queueing literature, the work may also be useful to applied scientists and practitioners as a self-study reference for applications and further research.

Table of contents :
Front Matter….Pages 1-11
Introduction….Pages 1-12
System Element Models….Pages 13-21
Basic Concepts in Stochastic Processes….Pages 23-28
Simple Markovian Queueing Systems….Pages 29-73
Imbedded Markov Chain Models….Pages 75-114
Extended Markov Models….Pages 115-139
Queueing Networks….Pages 141-160
Renewal Process Models….Pages 161-167
The General Queue G / G /1 and Approximations….Pages 169-183
Statistical Inference for Queueing Models….Pages 185-200
Decision Problems in Queueing Theory….Pages 201-206
Modeling and Analysis Using Computational Tools….Pages 207-226
Poisson Process: Properties and Related Distributions….Pages 228-238
Markov Process….Pages 239-245
Results from Mathematics….Pages 247-252
Back Matter….Pages 1-16


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