Progress in nano-electro-optics 6. Nano optical probing, manipulation, analysis, and their theoretical bases

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Series: Springer Series in Optical Sciences v. 6

ISBN: 9783540778943, 3540778942

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Pages: 186/186

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Motoichi Ohtsu9783540778943, 3540778942

This volume focuses on nano-optical probing, manipulation, and analysis. It begins with recent developments in near-field optical spectroscopy that clarify quantum states at the nanoscale, followed by a theory for a photon-electron-phonon interacting system at the nanoscale. Further topics include: visible laser desorption/ionization mass spectroscopy exhibiting near-field effects; a practical nanofabrication method with optical near fields applied to a SHG device; a theory and experimental achievements on optical transport of nanoparticles, selectively manipulated by resonant radiation force. Taken as a whole, this overview will be a valuable resource for engineers and scientists working in the field of nano-electro-optics.

Table of contents :
cover.jpg……Page 1
front-matter.pdf……Page 2
Preface to Progress in Nano Electro-Optics……Page 6
Preface to Volume VI……Page 8
Contents……Page 10
List of Contributors……Page 14
Introduction……Page 16
General Description……Page 17
Aperture-NSOM Probe……Page 18
Spatial Resolution of NSOM Studied by Single Molecule Imaging……Page 20
Single-Molecule Imaging with Aperture Probes……Page 21
Numerical Simulation of NSOM Resolution……Page 23
Single Quantum Dot Spectroscopy and Imaging……Page 26
NSOM Spectroscopy of Single GaSb QDs……Page 28
Light-Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale……Page 33
Interface Fluctuation QD……Page 35
Real-Space Mapping of Exciton Wavefunction Confined in a QD……Page 37
Real-Space Mapping of Local Density of States……Page 40
Field-Induced Quantum Dot……Page 41
Mapping of Local Density of States in a Field Induced QD……Page 43
Dilute Nitride Semiconductors……Page 46
Imaging Spectroscopy of Localized and Delocalized States……Page 47
Perspectives……Page 51
References……Page 52
Introduction……Page 55
Localized Photon Model……Page 56
Photodissociation of Molecules and the EPP Model……Page 58
Lattice Vibration in a Pseudo One-Dimensional System……Page 62
Quantization of Vibration……Page 64
Extended Model……Page 65
Optically Excited Probe System……Page 67
Davydov Transformation……Page 68
Quasiparticle and Coherent State……Page 70
Localization Mechanism……Page 72
References……Page 78
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry……Page 81
Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry……Page 83
Surface Plasmon-Polariton……Page 84
Plasmon-Induced Desorption……Page 86
Visible Laser Desorption/Ionization on Gold Nanostructure……Page 87
Fabrication of Gold-Coated Porous Silicon……Page 88
Gold Nanorod Arrays……Page 91
Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer……Page 94
Sample Preparation……Page 96
Mass Spectra from Gold-Coated Porous Silicon……Page 97
Mass Spectra from Gold Nanorods……Page 98
Gold Nanoparticle-Assisted Excitation of UV-absorbing MALDI Matrix by Visible Laser……Page 104
Discussion and Conclusion……Page 108
References……Page 109
Introduction……Page 112
NFOL with Bilayer Resist Process……Page 113
Experimental Set-up……Page 114
Patterning Experiment of Bilayer Resist Process……Page 117
Dependency of Thickness of Resist Layer……Page 120
Dependency of Pitch……Page 121
Dependency on Polarization……Page 122
Application……Page 123
References……Page 126
Techniques Using Radiation Force……Page 127
Previous Theoretical Studies……Page 128
Potentiality in Using Resonant Radiation Force in a Nanoscale Regime……Page 132
Theoretical Bases……Page 133
Lorentz Force and Maxwell Stress Tensor……Page 134
Microscopic Response Field……Page 135
Derivation of General Expressions……Page 138
Expressions for Simple Cases……Page 140
Radiation Force on a Single Nanoparticle Confining Excitons……Page 144
Size Dependence……Page 147
Several Types of Forces……Page 155
Proposal of Size-Selective Manipulation……Page 162
Theoretical Proposal of Nano-Optical Chromatography in Superfluid He4……Page 165
For a Laser with Finite Line Width……Page 167
Spatial Displacement of Nanoparticles……Page 169
Experiment of Optical Transport of Nanoparticles……Page 171
Optical Transport of Nanoparticles Using Resonant Light……Page 172
Summary and Future Prospects……Page 174
References……Page 178
Index……Page 181


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