Fundamentals of carrier transport

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Edition: 2nd ed

ISBN: 0521631343, 9780521631341

Size: 5 MB (4948386 bytes)

Pages: 434/434

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Mark Lundstrom0521631343, 9780521631341

Fundamentals of Carrier Transport explores the behavior of charged carriers in semiconductors and semiconductor devices for readers without an extensive background in quantum mechanics and solid-state physics. This second edition contains many new and updated sections, including a completely new chapter on transport in ultrasmall devices and coverage of “full band” transport. Lundstrom also covers both low- and high-field transport, scattering, transport in devices, and transport in mesoscopic systems. He explains in detail the use of Monte Carlo simulation methods and provides many homework exercises along with a variety of worked examples. What makes this book unique is its broad theoretical treatment of transport for advanced students and researchers engaged in experimental semiconductor device research and development.


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