Basic Electromagnetism and Materials

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Edition: 1

Series: AIP Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 0387302840, 9780387302843

Size: 3 MB (2678818 bytes)

Pages: 439/439

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André Moliton0387302840, 9780387302843

Basic Electromagnetism and Materials is the product of many years of teaching basic and applied electromagnetism. This textbook can be used to teach electromagnetism to a wide range of undergraduate science majors in physics, electrical engineering, or materials science. However, by making lesser demands on mathematical knowledge than competing texts, and by emphasizing electromagnetic properties of materials and their applications, this textbookis particularly appropriate for students of materials science. Many competing texts focus on the study of propagation waves either in the microwave oroptical domain, whereas Basic Electromagnetism and Materials covers the entire electromagnetic domain and the physical response of materials to these waves.

Table of contents :
front-matter.pdf……Page 1
ch1.pdf……Page 19
ch2.pdf……Page 56
ch3.pdf……Page 105
ch4.pdf……Page 135
ch5.pdf……Page 172
ch6.pdf……Page 187
ch7.pdf……Page 219
ch8.pdf……Page 240
ch9.pdf……Page 279
ch10.pdf……Page 301
ch11.pdf……Page 328
ch12.pdf……Page 377
back-matter.pdf……Page 436


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