Hiroaki Kitano, Minoru Asada, Yasuo Kuniyoshi (auth.), Hiroaki Kitano (eds.)3540644733, 9783540644736
Table of contents :
RoboCup: A challenge problem for AI and robotics….Pages 1-19
Overview of RoboCup-97….Pages 20-41
The RoboCup physical agent challenge: Goals and protocols for phase I….Pages 42-61
The RoboCup synthetic agent challenge 97….Pages 62-73
Playing soccer by modifying and combining primitive reactions….Pages 74-87
Learning, deciding, predicting: The soccer playing mind….Pages 88-98
Using decision tree confidence factors for multiagent control….Pages 99-111
A role-based decision-mechanism for teams of reactive and coordinating agents….Pages 112-122
Using an explicit model of teamwork in RoboCup….Pages 123-131
Decision making by the characteristics and the interaction in multi-agent robotics soccer….Pages 132-143
Real-time vision processing for a soccer playing mobile robot….Pages 144-155
A method applied for soccer’s behaviors using proper feedback and feedforward control….Pages 156-167
A legged robot for RoboCup based on “OPENR”….Pages 168-180
JavaSoccer….Pages 181-187
RoboCup-3D: The construction of intelligent navigation system….Pages 188-199
Generating multimedia presentations for RoboCup soccer games….Pages 200-215
Football in recent times: What we can learn from the newspapers….Pages 216-230
The value of project-based education in robotics….Pages 231-241
The CMUnited-97 small robot team….Pages 242-256
Development of self-learning vision-based mobile robots for acquiring soccer robots behaviors….Pages 257-276
MICROB: The french experiment in RoboCup….Pages 277-285
Description of rogi-team….Pages 286-294
Autonomous soccer robots….Pages 295-304
Vision-based robot learning towards RoboCup: Osaka University “Trackies“….Pages 305-319
RoboCup97: An omnidirectional perspective….Pages 320-332
Omni-directional autonomous robots cooperating for team play….Pages 333-347
The spirit of Bolivia: Complex behavior through minimal control….Pages 348-356
AT Humboldt — Development, practice and theory….Pages 357-372
Refinement of soccer agents’ positions using reinforcement learning….Pages 373-388
The CMUnited-97 simulator team….Pages 389-397
Co-evolving Soccer Softbot team coordination with genetic programming….Pages 398-411
Learning cooperative behaviors in RoboCup agents….Pages 412-419
Individual tactical play and action decision based on a short-term goal — team descriptions of team Miya and team Niken….Pages 420-427
The reactive motion planning in the passive situation….Pages 428-433
A reactive architecture for RoboCup competition….Pages 434-442
Team: Kasuga-bitos with modulation of playing….Pages 443-449
Team sicily….Pages 450-457
Team description: Building teams using roles, responsibilities, and strategies….Pages 458-466
A multi-layered behavior based system for controlling RoboCup agents….Pages 467-474
Using ABC 2 in the RoboCup domain….Pages 475-482
Integrating learning with motor schema-based control for a Robot Soccer Team….Pages 483-491
Describing soccer game in EAMMO….Pages 492-499
Team GAMMA: Agent programming on gaea….Pages 500-507
Using reactive deliberation for real-time control of soccer-playing robots….Pages 508-512
A Multi-layered planning architecture for soccer agent….Pages 513-518
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