Jonathan Bagger, Alexander Galperin (auth.), Julius Wess, Evgeny A. Ivanov (eds.)3540660046, 9783540660040
Table of contents :
Linear and nonlinear supersymmetries….Pages 3-20
Covariant harmonic supergraphity for N =2 super Yang-Mills theories….Pages 21-36
Rigid N =2 superconformal hypermultiplets….Pages 37-45
Ectoplasm has no topology: The prelude….Pages 46-57
From supergravity to ballbearings….Pages 58-67
On harmonic superspace….Pages 68-78
Harmonic approach and quaternionic Taub-NUT metric….Pages 79-89
Supergeometry in equivariant cohomology….Pages 90-96
Harmonics, notophs and chiral bosons….Pages 97-105
3-Point functions in N =4 Yang-Mills in harmonic superspace….Pages 106-115
Harmonic superspaces for three-dimensional theories….Pages 116-123
The Neveu-Schwarz five-brane and its dual geometries….Pages 127-145
Superembedding approach and generalized action in string/M-theory….Pages 146-154
Domain walls and spacetime-filling branes….Pages 155-163
The quantum geometry of branes….Pages 164-181
String action on adS space….Pages 182-188
Making manifest the symmetry enhancement for coinciding BPS branes….Pages 189-197
On some stability properties of compactified D =11 supermembranes….Pages 198-209
U-duality and M-theory cosmology….Pages 210-216
Brane scattering and supersymmetric σ -model geometries….Pages 217-223
Graviton scattering in eleven-dimensional supergravity….Pages 224-232
Nilpotent marsh and SUSY QM….Pages 235-242
On superconformal-like transformations and their nonlinear realization….Pages 243-251
N =2 SUSY two-boson KP hierarchy, (derivative) NLS equation and miura transformations….Pages 252-260
Third family of N =2 supersymmetric KdV hierarchies….Pages 261-269
Integrals of motion, supersymmetric quantum mechanics and dynamical supersymmetry….Pages 270-276
From LG to a butterfly resolution of unitary N =2 representations….Pages 277-287
Super-affine hierarchies and their Poisson embeddings….Pages 288-298
1+1 Dimensional models of dilation gravity coupled to bosons and fermions….Pages 301-306
Finite-size energy levels of the superintegrable chiral potts model….Pages 307-321
Characteristic polynomials for quantum matrices….Pages 322-329
Arbitrary spin massless bosonic fields in d -dimensional anti-de sitter space….Pages 331-340
Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of spherical shell and compact ball….Pages 341-347
On different BRST constructions for a given Lie algebra….Pages 348-357
Higher-spin gauge theories — Integrability versus locality….Pages 358-367
Global quantum anomaly….Pages 368-372
Non-commutative space-time algebra and the spectrum of its operators….Pages 373-379
Spinors in gravitation theory….Pages 383-390
The notoph and its possible interactions….Pages 391-396
Infinite-dimensional algebra of general covariance group as the closure of finite-dimensional algebras of conformal and linear groups….Pages 397-399
Theory of dynamical affine and conformal symmetries as the theory of the gravitational field….Pages 400-409
Structure of the supergravity group….Pages 410-412
Grassmann analyticity and extension of supersymmetry….Pages 413-417
Harmonic superspace: key to N =2 supersymmetry theories….Pages 418-422
N =3 supersymmetric gauge theory….Pages 423-426
Super-self-duality as analyticity in harmonic superspace….Pages 427-432
List of main publications of V.I. Ogievetsky….Pages 433-442
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