Broken Symmetries: Proceedings of the 37. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern-und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, February 28–March 7, 1998

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Physics 521

ISBN: 3540656677, 9783540656678

Size: 2 MB (2510664 bytes)

Pages: 304/301

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R. D. Peccei (auth.), Leopold Mathelitsch, Willibald Plessas (eds.)3540656677, 9783540656678

Symmetries and the breaking of symmetries play an important role in particle physics. Several experts in the field give overviews of different symmetry aspects in subatomic physics. Topics like CP violation, chiral symmetry, supersymmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking are addressed. The articles are the written accounts of lectures given at the 1998 Schladming Winter School and address in particular graduate students. The material is dealt with in a comprehensive and detailed manner and is at the same time pedagogically well devised.

Table of contents :
Discrete and global symmetries in particle physics….Pages 1-50
CP violation….Pages 51-78
CP violation: Experimental status and prospects….Pages 79-79
Spontaneously broken symmetries….Pages 81-81
Chiral symmetry….Pages 83-129
Quark mass hierarchies, flavor mixing and maximal CP -violation….Pages 131-149
Duality in quantum field theory (and string theory)….Pages 151-224
Supersymmetry, strings and unification….Pages 225-277
Abstracts of the seminars….Pages 279-299


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