M. L. Kaiser (auth.), Namir E. Kassim, Kurt W. Weiler (eds.)3540528911, 9783540528913, 0387528911
Table of contents :
Reflections on the radio astronomy explorer program of the 1960s and 70s….Pages 1-7
Low frequency astrophysics with a space array….Pages 8-18
The Lunar Observer radio astronomy experiment (LORAE)….Pages 19-28
Very low frequency radio astronomy from the moon….Pages 29-33
An evolutionary sequence of low frequency radio astronomy missions….Pages 34-41
Hectometer and kilometer wavelength radio astronomy….Pages 42-45
A simple low-cost array on the lunar near-side for the early lunar expeditions….Pages 46-51
A very low frequency array for the lunar far-side….Pages 52-56
Radio noise near the earth in the 1–30 MHz frequency range….Pages 57-69
A quantitative assessment of RFI in the near-earth environment….Pages 70-78
Status of low frequency radio astronomical allocations at the 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC-92)….Pages 79-81
Solar radio astronomy at low frequencies….Pages 83-96
Some problems in low frequency solar radio physics….Pages 97-101
Broad-band images of AKR from ISEE-3….Pages 102-105
Low frequency propagation in the Earth’s magnetosphere….Pages 106-112
Monitoring Jupiter’s hectometric emission….Pages 113-117
The low density ionized component of the interstellar medium and free-free absorption at high galactic latitudes….Pages 119-129
Supernovae and supernova remnants at low frequencies….Pages 130-137
Low frequency spectral lines from the cold ISM….Pages 138-143
HII regions in absorption at low frequencies….Pages 144-151
Low-frequency angular broadening and diffuse interstellar plasma turbulence….Pages 153-164
Low frequency interstellar scattering and pulsar observations….Pages 165-174
Pulsar astronomy at meter and decameter wavelengths: Results from Arecibo….Pages 175-186
Refractive interstellar scintillation effects at low frequencies….Pages 187-191
Low frequency surveying….Pages 193-203
The new Cambridge 38 MHz radio survey — 1 steradian at 4 arcmin resolution and sub-Jansky sensitivity….Pages 204-213
Cosmic rays in the galaxy and their implications for VLF Radio Astronomy….Pages 215-226
Cosmic rays and the galactic radio background emission….Pages 227-236
Known and expected sources of low-frequency radiation….Pages 237-251
Extrapolating electron spectra to low energies….Pages 252-261
Radio emission from intergalactic gas, and its implications for low frequency astronomy in space….Pages 262-268
In and around extragalactic sources at low frequencies….Pages 269-277
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