S. Djorgovski (auth.), V. G. Gurzadyan, D. Pfenniger (eds.)354057929X, 9783540579298, 038757929X
Table of contents :
Structural and dynamical forms of elliptical and dwarf galaxies….Pages 3-21
Some clues about the dynamics of globular clusters from high-resolution observation….Pages 22-33
Diffusion of stellar orbits in the galactic disk….Pages 34-40
Ergodic methods in stellar dynamics….Pages 41-55
On a notion of weak stability and its relevance for celestial mechanics and molecular dynamics….Pages 56-63
Recent developments in the dynamics of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom….Pages 64-84
Numerical exploration of the circular billiard with gravity….Pages 85-90
Ergodicity and mixing in gravitating systems….Pages 91-91
Chaotic itineracy and clustered motion in globally coupled symplectic map system….Pages 93-99
Lyapunov analysis of stable chaos in self-gravitating many body systems….Pages 100-104
Stability of the modified Konishi-Kaneko system….Pages 105-110
Mixing transformations of N particles conserving almost all classical integrals….Pages 111-121
Symplectic integration without roundoff error….Pages 122-130
Discreteness noise versus force errors in N-body simulations….Pages 131-134
Core motions and global chaotic oscillations….Pages 135-150
N-body systems: Computer image and reality….Pages 151-157
The approach to integrability in N-body systems with a central point mass….Pages 158-162
On the non-trivial concept of relaxation in N-body systems….Pages 163-169
Gravothermal oscillations….Pages 170-176
Recent results on the stability of anisotropic stellar systems….Pages 177-180
The stability of the solar system….Pages 181-192
The one-dimensional three-body problem: Numerical simulations….Pages 193-198
Order and chaos in “collisionless” numerical simulations….Pages 199-216
On the permissible percentage of chaotic orbits in various morphological types of galaxies….Pages 217-225
Minimum energy states of a self-gravitating system….Pages 226-229
Effective collision term induced by coarse-graining….Pages 230-234
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the stability of flattened galaxies….Pages 235-238
The evolution of orbits in the stellar disk as a purely discontinuous random process….Pages 239-240
Interacting spherical stellar systems….Pages 241-256
How faithful are n-body simulations of disc galaxies? — artificial suppression of stellar dynamical instabilities….Pages 257-260
SPH simulations of the gas flow in normal spiral galaxies….Pages 261-263
Regular orbits and cantori in the potential of the barred galaxy NGC 936….Pages 264-266
The role of stochastic motion in a central field with a bar-like perturbation….Pages 267-267
A hierarchical model of patchy-structured galaxies and evolutionary processes….Pages 268-269
Evolution of clusters of galaxies….Pages 270-273
Smoothing of the cosmic background radiation by multiple gravitational scattering….Pages 274-277
Angular momentum of galaxies within the local supercluster….Pages 278-279
10 problems the solutions of which can seriously influence stellar dynamics….Pages 281-284
Comments on “10 key problems”….Pages 285-292
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