Willem Wamsteker (auth.), A. Cassatella, R. Viotti (eds.)3540535004, 9783540535003, 0387535004
Table of contents :
Welcome address….Pages 1-2
Cataclysmic variables as binary stars: Then and now….Pages 3-10
The long term behaviour of classical old novae….Pages 11-23
Classical novae: Properties between outbursts….Pages 24-33
Galactic distribution and outburst frequency of classical novae….Pages 34-41
Novae in clusters and galaxies….Pages 42-46
Strong magnetic fields in nova systems….Pages 47-47
Quasi-periodic outburst activity of novae at minimum….Pages 48-49
Spin period variations of the white dwarf in FO AQR/H2215-086….Pages 50-52
The galactic nova rate….Pages 53-54
A possible nova from the IRAS point source catalogue….Pages 55-56
Where is nova 1437? — Surprises in the space density of cataclysmic variables….Pages 57-58
On the postoutburst far ultraviolet declines of WZ sagittae and V1500 CYGNI….Pages 59-60
Spectroscopic observations of the southern old novae CP PUP and V841 OPH….Pages 61-62
CP puppis: Another V1500 Cyg?….Pages 63-64
The uv luminosity of old novae….Pages 65-67
V 1500 Cyg: Slow variability in post-nova stage….Pages 68-70
Maximum magnitude vs. rate of decline for novae of the LMC….Pages 71-72
On V603 Aql and magnetic novae….Pages 73-75
Optical studies of classical novae in outburst….Pages 77-96
Chemistry of nova envelopes….Pages 97-114
Ultraviolet observations of classical novae in outburst….Pages 115-126
Multi-wavelength observations of novae in outburst….Pages 127-137
New infrared results for classical novae….Pages 138-147
Recent and future x-ray observations of classical novae during the outburst stage….Pages 148-154
New results about post optical maximum oscillations of novae….Pages 155-156
Simultaneous optical and UV spectra of the two LMC novae 1988….Pages 157-158
Optical spectrophotometry of nova PW vulpeculae….Pages 159-160
The early outburst spectra of nova V1506 CYGNI….Pages 161-162
Mass of the, ejected envelope of LV vulpeculae….Pages 163-164
The peculiar slow nova X serpentis….Pages 165-166
Images and light curves of the radio remnants of novae….Pages 167-178
Optical imagery of nova remnants….Pages 179-187
Physical properties and abundances of novae in the nebular phase….Pages 188-194
An Hα image of nova V1500 cygni twelve years after outburst….Pages 195-196
PAH’S and silicate emission in nova cen 1986….Pages 197-198
Mm CO observation of the old nova NQ Vul….Pages 199-199
Nova Ophiuchi 1988: 0.9–1.35 μm spectroscopy….Pages 200-201
Measurements of outburst characteristics, temperatures, densities and abundances in the ejecta of Nova Muscae 1983….Pages 202-203
Element abundances of nova PW vulpeculae….Pages 204-205
Chemical composition of Nova Centauri 1986….Pages 206-207
Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the shell of RR pic….Pages 208-209
Infrared spectra of recent novae….Pages 210-212
The ionization of novae ejecta….Pages 213-227
Winds from disks….Pages 228-235
Physics of mass ejection during nova outbursts….Pages 236-243
Effects of the presence of supercritical winds….Pages 244-252
Formation and evolution of dust in novae….Pages 253-263
Model atmospheres for novae during the early stages….Pages 264-276
The continuum spectra of accretion discs in novalike objects….Pages 277-289
Infra-red emission from classical novae….Pages 290-292
Cool envelopes of post-novae constraints on the decline of the white dwarf….Pages 293-294
Chemical routes to dust formation in the ejecta of novae….Pages 295-296
Modelling the common envelope phase in classical novae….Pages 297-298
Ionization and temperature structure in nova shells….Pages 299-300
Formation of the balmer line in the optically thick nova envelope….Pages 301-302
HeI emission line formation in symbiotic stars and novae….Pages 303-305
Soft x-ray emission from classical novae in outburst….Pages 306-310
Classical novae in the context of the evolution of cataclysmic binaries….Pages 311-324
The origin and evolution of novae….Pages 325-341
Novae between outbursts….Pages 342-350
The cyclic evolution of classical novae….Pages 351-360
Thermonuclear runaway model….Pages 361-372
Theoretical implications of nova abundances….Pages 373-385
The theoretical frequency of classical nova outbursts as a function of white dwarf mass….Pages 386-387
Accretion on CO white dwarfs. influence of the external burning shells on the evolution….Pages 388-389
Effective growth rate of white dwarf mass in nova outbursts….Pages 390-391
The white dwarf mass and orbital period distributions in zero-age cataclysmic variables….Pages 392-393
Diffusion in novae at high accretion rates….Pages 394-396
On the nature of the outflow from nova stars occurring immediately after ejection of an envelope….Pages 397-399
Novae as local thermonuclear runaways….Pages 400-401
Recurrent novae….Pages 403-415
The symbiotic novae….Pages 416-422
Spectroscopic results of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi….Pages 423-424
A spectroscopic survey of recurrent novae at minimum….Pages 425-426
Possible x-ray flares in a recurrent nova….Pages 427-428
The 1989 outburst of V404 cygni: A very unusual x-ray nova….Pages 429-430
The structure of the envelopes of symbiotic novae….Pages 431-432
HM Sge still evolving….Pages 433-434
IR observations of the symbiotic nova HM sagittae….Pages 435-436
The light curve of the symbiotic nova HM sagittae….Pages 437-439
The nova type outburst of the symbiotic star AS 296….Pages 440-441
Co-ordinated optical and radio observations of symbiotic stars….Pages 442-443
High resolution spectroscopy of symbiotic stars….Pages 444-445
Some comments on classical novae and related systems….Pages 447-454
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