R. Coquereaux (auth.), C. Bartocci, U. Bruzzo, R. Cianci (eds.)3540537635, 9783540537632, 0387537635
Table of contents :
Higgs fields and superconnections….Pages 3-12
Noncommutative differential geometry, quantum mechanics and gauge theory….Pages 13-24
Introduction to non-commutative geometry and Yang-Mills model-building….Pages 25-36
II. Gauge-field model-building via non-commutative differential geometry….Pages 37-44
Measuring coalgebras, quantum group-like objects, and non-commutative geometry….Pages 47-60
Tensor Operator Structures in Quantum Unitary Groups….Pages 61-69
Quantum groups and quantum complete integrability: Theory and experiment….Pages 71-90
Some ideas and results on integrable nonlinear evolution systems….Pages 91-95
An algebraic characterization of complete integrability for Hamiltonian systems….Pages 96-106
Integrable lattice models and their scaling limits QFT and CFT….Pages 107-119
Quantum groups, Riemann surfaces and conformal field theory….Pages 120-130
Some physical applications of category theory….Pages 131-142
From poisson groupoids to quantum groupoids and back….Pages 143-154
Quantization on Kähler manifolds….Pages 155-161
A new class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras (continuum Lie algebras) and associated nonlinear systems….Pages 162-170
Exchange Algebra in the Conformal Affine sl 2 Toda Field Theory….Pages 173-184
Some properties of p-lines….Pages 185-197
Breaking of supersymmetry through anomalies in composite spinor operators….Pages 198-208
Conformal field theory and moduli spaces of vector bundles over variable Riemann surfaces….Pages 209-218
Instanton homology….Pages 219-221
W- geometry….Pages 222-244
Connections between CFT and topology via Knot theory….Pages 245-254
Stochastic calculus in superspace and supersymmetric Hamiltonians….Pages 255-262
Geometric models and the modulli spaces for string theories….Pages 263-268
Supersymmetric products of SUSY-curves °….Pages 271-285
Classical superspaces and related structures….Pages 286-297
Remarks on the differential identities in Schouten-Nijenhuis algebra….Pages 298-310
Generic irreducible representations of classical Lie superalgebras….Pages 311-319
Krichever construction of solutions to the super KP hierarchies….Pages 320-330
The structure of supersymplectic supermanifolds….Pages 331-343
Gauge fixing: Geometric and probabilistic aspects of yang-mills gauge theories….Pages 347-358
A renormalizable theory of quantum gravity….Pages 359-371
Third order nonlinear Hamiltonian systems: Some remarks on the the action-angle transformation….Pages 375-378
Tensor products of q p = 1 quantum groups and WZW fusion rules….Pages 379-381
The modular group and super-KMS functionals….Pages 382-384
New quantum representation for gravity and Yang-Mills theory….Pages 385-386
Geometric quantization of the five-dimensional Kepler problem….Pages 387-389
Structure functions on the usual and exotic symplectic and periplectic supermanifolds….Pages 390-395
Symbols alias generating functionals — a supergeometric point of view….Pages 396-398
Sheaves of graded Lie algebras over variable Riemann surfaces and a paired Weil-Petersson inner product….Pages 399-401
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