Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop Held at Tegernsee, Germany, 21–24 June 1998 On the Occasion of Wolfhart Zimmermann’s 70th Birthday

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Physics 558

ISBN: 3540679723, 9783540679721

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Pages: 323/326

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William A. Bardeen (auth.), Peter Breitenlohner, Dieter Maison (eds.)3540679723, 9783540679721

On the occasion of W. Zimmermann’s 70th birthday some eminent scientists gave review talks in honor of one of the great masters of quantum field theory. It was decided to write them up and publish them in this book, together with reprints of some seminal papers of the laureate. Thus, this volume deepens our understanding of anomalies, algebraic renormalization theory, axiomatic field theory and of much more while illuminating the past and present state of affairs and pointing to interesting problems for future research.

Table of contents :
Anomalies….Pages 3-14
The Algebraic Method in Renormalization Theory….Pages 15-25
Modular Groups in Quantum Field Theory….Pages 26-42
Current Trends in Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory….Pages 43-64
Operator Product Expansion, Renormalization Group and Weak Decays….Pages 65-85
The Quantum Noether Condition in Terms of Interacting Fields….Pages 86-105
Applications of the Reduction of Couplings….Pages 106-126
The Rigorous Analyticity-Unitarity Program and Its Success….Pages 127-135
Reduction of Coupling Parameters and Duality….Pages 136-156
The Bogoliubov Renormalization Group in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics….Pages 157-176
Algebraic Renormalization, from Supersymmetry to the Standard Model….Pages 177-191
Semi Classical Aspects of Gauge Theories….Pages 192-196
On the Bound State Problem in Quantum Field Theory….Pages 199-216
Convergence of Bogoliubov’s Method of Renormalization in Momentum Space….Pages 217-243
Composite Operators in the Perturbation Theory of Renormalizable Interactions….Pages 244-277
Normal Products and the Short Distance Expansion in the Perturbation Theory of Renormalizable Interactions….Pages 278-309
The Power Counting Theorem for Feynman Integrals with Massless Propagators….Pages 310-323


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