E. Ballico, Ph. Ellia (auth.), Ciro Ciliberto, Franco Ghione, Ferruccio Orecchia (eds.)9780387123202, 0387123202
Table of contents :
On degeneration of projective curves….Pages 1-15
Varietes rationnelles et unirationnelles….Pages 16-33
Conic bundles on non-rational surfaces….Pages 34-89
Moduli of surfaces of general type….Pages 90-112
On a proof of Torelli’s theorem….Pages 113-123
Two examples of algebraic threefolds whose hyperplane sections are Enriques surfaces….Pages 124-130
On the Brill-Noether theorem….Pages 131-137
Properties of Arakelov’s intersection product….Pages 138-145
On nodal curves….Pages 146-155
About the enumeration of contacts….Pages 156-196
Un probleme du type Brill-Noether pour les fibres vectoriels….Pages 197-209
On the construction of rational surfaces with assigned singularities….Pages 210-217
Postulation des courbes gauches….Pages 218-227
Projective geometry of elliptic curves….Pages 228-266
Linkage of general curves of large degree….Pages 267-289
Some problems and results on finite sets of points in ℙ n ….Pages 290-314
Homogeneous bundles in characteristic p….Pages 315-320
The group of sections on a rational elliptic surface….Pages 321-347
On the Kodaira dimension of the Siegel modular variety….Pages 348-375
Generalized hilbert functions of Cohen-Macaulay varieties….Pages 376-390
Some curves in ℙ 3 are set-theoretic complete intersections….Pages 391-399
Prym surfaces and a Siegel modular threefold….Pages 400-403
….Pages 404-411
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