Compiler Construction: 4th International Conference, CC ’92 Paderborn, FRG, October 5–7, 1992 Proceedings

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 641

ISBN: 9783540559849, 3540559841

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Josef Grosch (auth.), Uwe Kastens, Peter Pfahler (eds.)9783540559849, 3540559841

The International Workshop on Compiler Construction provides a forum for thepresentation and discussion of recent developments in the area of compiler construction. Its scope ranges from compilation methods and tools to implementation techniques for specific requirements of languages and target architectures. This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the 4th International Workshop on Compiler Construction, CC ’92, held in Paderborn, Germany, October 5-7, 1992. The papers present recent developments on such topics as structural and semantic analysis, code generation and optimization, and compilation for parallel architectures and for functional, logical, and application languages.

Table of contents :
Transformation of attributed trees using pattern matching….Pages 1-15
Generating LR(1) parsers of small size….Pages 16-29
Syntax directed translation with LR parsing….Pages 30-36
Attribute-directed top-down parsing….Pages 37-43
Another kind of modular attribute grammars….Pages 44-50
Integrated graphic environment to develop applications based on attribute grammars….Pages 51-58
Implementing high-level identification specifications….Pages 59-65
Another solution of scoping problems in symbol tables….Pages 66-72
Compiler implementation of ADTs using profile data….Pages 73-87
The LDL — Language development laboratory….Pages 88-94
Actress: An action semantics directed compiler generator….Pages 95-109
Creation of a family of compilers and runtime environments by combining reusable components….Pages 110-124
The interprocedural coincidence theorem….Pages 125-140
Provably correct compiler development and implementation….Pages 141-155
On interprocedural data flow analysis for object oriented languages….Pages 156-162
Testing completeness of code selector specifications….Pages 163-175
A register allocation framework based on hierarchical cyclic interval graphs….Pages 176-191
Register pipelining: An integrated approach to register allocation for scalar and subscripted variables….Pages 192-206
Instruction scheduling for complex pipelines….Pages 207-218
Comparing software pipelining for an operation-triggered and a transport-triggered architecture….Pages 219-228
Scheduling instructions by direct placement….Pages 229-235
Compile-time analysis of object-oriented programs….Pages 236-250
Partial evaluation of C and automatic compiler generation….Pages 251-257
A term pattern-match compiler inspired by finite automata theory….Pages 258-270
Improving the performance of parallel LISP by compile time analysis….Pages 271-277
FCG: A code generator for lazy functional languages….Pages 278-296
Compiling flang….Pages 297-311
The implementation of objectmath — a high-level programming environment for scientific computing….Pages 312-318


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