The Psychology of Group Aggression

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Series: Wiley series in forensic clinical psychology

ISBN: 9780470845158, 0-470-84515-5, 0-470-84516-3

Size: 2 MB (1841643 bytes)

Pages: 210/210

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Arnold P. Goldstein9780470845158, 0-470-84515-5, 0-470-84516-3

People in groups act aggressively as a group, not as a collection of individuals. The Psychology of Group Aggression’s comprehensive journey starts with group dynamics theory and research by reviewing its relationship to aggression. Arnold P. Goldstein then provides a unique and valuable insight into the different types and levels of intensity of anti-social behavior, examines its causes and considers its costs. In separate chapters he considers low intensity aggression, including ostracism, hazing, teasing; mid-intensity, e.g. bullying and harassment; and high intensity aggression, e.g. mobs and gangs. In a final section, he considers management and intervention techniques, both widely employed and emerging methods.
The Psychology of Group Aggression is an important work for both a pure and an applied audience. It will be a key reference for many, including clinical and forensic psychologists, psychiatrists, criminal justice workers, social psychologists and academics and students in criminology, psychology and sociology.


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