Raymond W. Gibbs Jr.0521841062, 9780521841061, 9780511438080, 9780521600866
Table of contents :
Cover……Page 1
Half-title……Page 3
Title……Page 5
Copyright……Page 6
Contents……Page 7
Contributors……Page 11
Metaphor and Thought: The State of the Art……Page 19
The Roots of Metaphor……Page 22
Metaphor Understanding……Page 23
Metaphor in Language and Culture……Page 24
Metaphor in Reasoning and Feeling……Page 26
Metaphor in Nonverbal Expression……Page 27
The Future……Page 28
CHAPTER 1 The Neural Theory of Metaphor……Page 33
Embodiment and Simulation Semantics……Page 34
Spreading Activation: Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together……Page 35
Neural Choreography……Page 36
Circuit Types……Page 37
Neural Systems Are Best-Fit Systems……Page 39
Image-Schemas and Cogs……Page 40
Primary Metaphors……Page 42
The Use of Conceptual Metaphors……Page 44
Mapping “Gaps”……Page 45
Metaphors versus Blends……Page 46
Optimality in Blending……Page 47
Emergence……Page 48
The Use of Metaphoric Language……Page 51
What Makes Metaphorical Language Meaningful?……Page 52
References……Page 53
What’s at Issue in the Question……Page 55
Philosophical Concepts Are Metaphoric……Page 56
Metaphor and Contemporary Philosophy of Language……Page 60
Philosophy as Metaphor……Page 64
Philosophy’s Debt to Metaphor……Page 66
Notes……Page 67
References……Page 68
1. Conceptual Mappings……Page 69
2. Time Is Space, and Then Some……Page 70
3. Duals……Page 76
4. More Networks……Page 77
5. Cobbling and Sculpting……Page 79
Conclusion……Page 80
Notes……Page 81
References……Page 82
CHAPTER 4 How Metaphors Create Categories – Quickly……Page 83
Priority of the Literal……Page 85
Understanding Comparisons……Page 86
Understanding Metaphors: Dual Reference……Page 87
Implications of Dual Reference for Understanding Metaphors and Similes……Page 89
Metaphors Are Not Similes……Page 90
Comparison versus Categorization Reconsidered……Page 95
Conclusions……Page 96
References……Page 97
CHAPTER 5 A Deflationary Account of Metaphors……Page 100
The Function of Language……Page 101
Comprehension……Page 103
Meaning Construction……Page 106
Continuum……Page 109
Inferential Steps……Page 111
Strength of Contextual Implications, Strength of Implicatures……Page 114
Poetic Effects……Page 116
Notes……Page 119
References……Page 120
Metaphor Is Like Analogy……Page 125
The Career of Metaphor……Page 131
Metaphors and Similes……Page 135
Summary……Page 139
References……Page 140
CHAPTER 7 How the Mind Computes the Meaning of Metaphor: A Simulation Based on LSA……Page 145
Word Senses, Literal and Metaphorical……Page 147
The Predication Model for Simple Metaphors……Page 149
Metaphor and Analogy……Page 152
Metaphors as Expressions of Similarity, Category Membership, and Analogies……Page 155
The Creativity of Language……Page 156
References……Page 157
Introduction……Page 159
On the Temporal Priority of Lexical Meanings……Page 161
Context Effects: Inhibition/Suppression/Retention……Page 163
Inhibition of Contextually Inappropriate Properties……Page 164
Suppression of Contextually Incompatible Properties……Page 165
Retention of Contextually Incompatible Properties……Page 167
Metaphor and Aesthetics……Page 169
Neurological Correlates and Processing Mechanisms……Page 170
Counterexamples?……Page 171
Author Note……Page 172
References……Page 173
Metaphor, Imagination, and Simulation: Psycholinguistic Evidence……Page 177
Embodied Simulation……Page 178
Imagining Impossible Actions……Page 181
Real and Imagined Bodily Movement Enhances Simulations during Immediate Metaphor Comprehension……Page 183
Bodily Imagination in Thinking about Time……Page 184
Fictive Motion and Embodied Simulation……Page 185
Walking the Walk While Thinking about Metaphorical Talk……Page 187
Conclusion……Page 189
References……Page 191
CHAPTER 10 Metaphor Comprehension and the Brain……Page 193
1. Real-Time Comprehension……Page 195
2 .2 Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation……Page 200
2 .3 Visual Half-Field Priming……Page 201
2 .4 Neuroimaging……Page 203
3. The Neural Substrate of Metaphor……Page 204
3.1 Sensorimotor Grounding of Concepts……Page 205
3.2 Cross-Domain Mappings and the Mental Number Line……Page 206
References……Page 207
CHAPTER 11 Metaphor and Talk……Page 213
How Much Metaphor Is Used in Talk?……Page 214
The Grammar of Metaphor in Talk……Page 216
Vehicle Development and the Systematicity of Linguistic Metaphor……Page 217
Tuning of Linguistic Metaphors……Page 218
The Affective Impact of Metaphor……Page 219
Metaphor and the Management of Talk……Page 220
Negotiating and Appropriating Metaphors in Talk……Page 221
Negotiating Technical Language through Metaphor……Page 222
Systematic and Conceptual Metaphors……Page 223
Conclusion……Page 225
References……Page 226
CHAPTER 12 Metaphor and Education……Page 228
Metaphor and Educational Change……Page 229
Problem 3: Treating a Descriptive Model as a Procedural Model……Page 230
Metaphor and Teaching/Learning……Page 231
Establishing What to Teach……Page 235
The Notion of Metaphoric Competence……Page 236
If an Expression Involves Metaphor, Do We Teach It as Metaphor?……Page 239
Should We Teach Basic Meanings First?……Page 240
The Importance of Culture……Page 241
Conclusion……Page 242
References……Page 243
CHAPTER 13 Metaphor in Literature……Page 248
The Discontinuity between Metaphor in Literature and Metaphor Outside Literature……Page 249
The Continuity between Metaphor in Literature and Metaphor Outside Literature……Page 251
The Uses and Functions of Metaphor in Literature……Page 254
Metaphor in Literature as Text versus Literature as Cognition……Page 257
Conclusions……Page 259
References……Page 260
Primary and Complex Metaphors……Page 263
Body as a Source for Emerging Metaphors……Page 265
Culture as a Filter for Emerging Metaphors……Page 269
Further Discussion……Page 272
Conclusion……Page 275
References……Page 276
1. Why Not a Semantics……Page 278
2 . The Prehistory of Semantic Theories of Metaphor……Page 280
3. Semantics versus Pragmatics of Metaphor……Page 283
4. The Context of a Metaphor……Page 285
5. Metaphorical Meaning……Page 290
6. The Cognitive Significance……Page 292
References……Page 293
Introduction……Page 296
Corpus Linguistics……Page 298
Searching Corpora……Page 299
Linguistic Data in Experimental Work……Page 300
Metaphor and Linguistic Context……Page 303
Metaphor and Genre……Page 304
Metaphor Is Culturally Determined……Page 305
Metaphor Is Ideological……Page 306
Interaction between Source and Target Domains……Page 307
Metaphor and Metonymy……Page 308
References……Page 309
CHAPTER 17 Metaphor and Poetic Figures……Page 311
Compatible and Clashing Expressions……Page 312
Simile……Page 313
Zeugma……Page 316
Synaesthetic Metaphor……Page 318
Generating Interpretation for Genitive (Noun–Noun) Structures……Page 319
References……Page 322
Introduction……Page 327
Artificial Intelligence……Page 328
Hobbs……Page 330
Martin……Page 331
Fass……Page 333
Barnden: ATT-Meta, Map-Transcendence and Pretence……Page 335
Narayanan……Page 339
Veale: The Sapper System……Page 340
Details of Mappings……Page 342
Economizing on Parallelism, and Use of Disanalogies……Page 343
Context and Extent……Page 344
Source/Target Overrides……Page 345
Domain Distinctions……Page 346
Relationship to Metonymy……Page 347
The Literal: Its Nature and Use……Page 348
Reversed Transfers……Page 349
References……Page 350
1. Introduction……Page 355
2. The Romance of Mathematics……Page 356
3. Metaphor in Mathematics?……Page 357
4. A Case Study: Limits and Continuity of Functions……Page 359
5. Are These “Dead” Metaphors? Or Are They Psychologically Real?……Page 367
Gesture as Cognition……Page 368
The Moral……Page 372
6 Philosophical Implications……Page 373
References……Page 376
Introduction……Page 379
Too Much or Too Little……Page 380
Sheriffs, Sureties, and the “Colour of Their Office”……Page 381
What Can Be Done by “Color of Law”?……Page 384
Conclusion……Page 390
Notes……Page 392
(1) What Are Emotion Metaphors, Metonymies, and Related Concepts?……Page 396
Metonymies……Page 397
(2 ) Is There a “Master Metaphor” for Emotion?……Page 398
(3) Are Emotion Metaphors Unique to the Emotions?……Page 401
(4) How Do Emotion Metaphors Differ from Metaphors for Relationships?……Page 403
(5) What Is the Role of Metaphors in the Cognitive Construction of Particular Emotion Concepts?……Page 404
(6) Are Emotion Concepts and Emotion Metaphors Universal?……Page 408
Variation as a result of differential experiential focus……Page 409
Conclusions……Page 411
Much Is Made of Metaphor, and Little Has Been Learned……Page 413
The Power of Metaphor……Page 414
The Limits of Metaphor Research……Page 419
The Promise and Challenges of a Contextual Approach to Metaphor and Psychotherapy……Page 423
Conclusion……Page 425
References……Page 426
Introduction……Page 428
History……Page 429
Defense and Figurativity……Page 430
The Linguistic, Conceptual, and Mental Levels of Metaphor and Metonymy……Page 432
Trauma as Loss of Metaphoricity……Page 433
The Negative Metonymic Structure of Neurotic Defense and Its Interpretation……Page 434
Transference, Metonymically and Metaphorically Conceived……Page 435
The Primary, Secondary, and Metaphoric Processes……Page 436
The Metaphor Languages of Different Psychoanalytic Schools……Page 437
References……Page 438
Introduction……Page 441
The Aim of the Chapter……Page 442
Directions of Metaphorical Mapping across the Senses……Page 443
Cross-Sensory Similarities in Metaphorical Language……Page 445
Five Separate Senses?……Page 446
Synaesthesia: The Relationship between Linguistic Description and Perceptual Experience……Page 447
Beyond Synaesthesia……Page 452
To Conclude: On Language Conventionality and “Hard-Wired” Motivation……Page 453
Notes……Page 455
References……Page 456
CHAPTER 25 Metaphor and Art……Page 463
Clear Examples of Violations of Realism……Page 464
Literal Pictures Are Realistic……Page 465
Natural Laws Are Standards That Can Be Transgressed……Page 466
Theory That Edge Depiction by Contours and Lines Gives Universal Impressions……Page 467
Form Symbolism Relies on Matching Features of a Form and the Referent……Page 469
Few Geometries Are General but Objects Have Many Features, Some Apocryphal……Page 470
Awkward Metaphors in Pictures Despite Success in Words……Page 471
What Tropes These Pictures Be……Page 473
“Metaphoric Picture” Is a Metaphor……Page 475
References……Page 476
1. Introduction……Page 478
Contextual Metaphor……Page 480
Hybrid Metaphor……Page 481
Pictorial Simile……Page 482
3. Multimodal Metaphor……Page 485
4. Embedded Multimodal Metaphor……Page 490
5. Avenues for Further Research……Page 492
How do monomodal metaphors of the nonverbal varieties relate to verbal and multimodal metaphors?……Page 493
Acknowledgments……Page 494
References……Page 495
Introduction……Page 499
What Is a Metaphoric Gesture?……Page 501
The Same Metaphor May Be Expressed in Speech and in Gesture……Page 503
A Metaphor May Be Expressed in Gesture, But Not in the Co-occurring Speech……Page 504
A Metaphor May Be Expressed in Gesture Which Is Not One That Is Used in the Language……Page 507
Metaphoric Gestures in Different Cultures……Page 508
What Does the Study of Gesture Reveal about Metaphor and Thought?……Page 509
Implications of Gesture Studies for Future Research into Metaphor and Thought……Page 512
Conclusion: How the Study of Gesture Advances Our Understanding of the Research into Metaphor and Thought……Page 513
Notes……Page 514
CHAPTER 28 Metaphor and Music……Page 518
Music and Knowledge……Page 520
Musical Semiotics……Page 521
Music and Other Aspects of Human Experience……Page 524
Music, Metaphor, and Cognitive Science……Page 526
Metaphor and the Analysis of Music……Page 528
Conclusion……Page 535
References……Page 536
Author Index……Page 541
Subject Index……Page 553
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