An Introduction to Computational Micromechanics: Corrected Second Printing

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Edition: 1

Series: Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 20

ISBN: 3540228209, 9783540228202

Size: 7 MB (6984002 bytes)

Pages: 195/200

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Tarek I. Zohdi, Peter Wriggers (auth.), Tarek I. Zohdi, Peter Wriggers (eds.)3540228209, 9783540228202

The recent dramatic increase in computational power available for mathematical modeling and simulation promotes the significant role of modern numerical methods in the analysis of heterogeneous microstructures. In its second corrected printing, this book presents a comprehensive introduction to computational micromechanics, including basic homogenization theory, microstructural optimization and multifield analysis of heterogeneous materials. “An Introduction to Computational Micromechanics” is valuable for researchers, engineers and for use in a first year graduate course for students in the applied sciences, mechanics and mathematics with an interest in the computational micromechanical analysis of new materials.

Table of contents :
Front Matter….Pages I-X
Introduction….Pages 1-6
Some Basics of the Mechanics of Solid Continua….Pages 7-35
Fundamental Weak Formulations….Pages 37-43
Fundamental Micro–Macro Concepts….Pages 45-62
A Basic Finite Element Implementation….Pages 63-84
Computational/Statistical Testing Methods….Pages 85-105
Various Extensions and Further Interpretations of Partitioning….Pages 107-120
Domain Decomposition Analogies and Extensions….Pages 121-143
Nonconvex–Nonderivative Genetic Material Design….Pages 145-161
Modeling Coupled Multifield Processes….Pages 163-182
Closing Comments….Pages 183-183
Back Matter….Pages 185-195


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