Mikhail J. Atallah, Danny Z. Chen (auth.), Frank Dehne, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack, Nicola Santoro, Sue Whitesides (eds.)3540571558, 9783540571551
Table of contents :
Computing the all-pairs longest chains in the plane….Pages 1-13
Towards a better understanding of pure packet routing….Pages 14-25
Tolerating faults in meshes and other networks….Pages 26-26
A generalization of binary search….Pages 27-34
Groups and algebraic complexity….Pages 35-35
Connected component and simple polygon intersection searching….Pages 36-47
An optimal algorithm for finding the separation of simple polygons….Pages 48-59
Balanced search trees made simple….Pages 60-71
Probing a set of hyperplanes by lines and related problems….Pages 72-82
A general lower bound on the I/O-complexity of comparison-based algorithms….Pages 83-94
Point probe decision trees for geometric concept classes….Pages 95-106
A dynamic separator algorithm….Pages 107-118
Online load balancing of temporary tasks….Pages 119-130
Connected domination and steiner set on asteroidal triple-free graphs….Pages 131-141
The complexity of finding certain trees in tournaments….Pages 142-150
Spirality of orthogonal representations and optimal drawings of series-parallel graphs and 3-planar graphs (extended abstract)….Pages 151-162
Separating the power of EREW and CREW PRAMs with small communication width….Pages 163-174
Triply-logarithmic upper and lower bounds for minimum, range minima, and related problems with integer inputs….Pages 175-187
Parallel construction of quadtrees and quality triangulations….Pages 188-199
Pattern matching for permutations….Pages 200-209
Filling polyhedral molds….Pages 210-221
Deferred-query—An efficient approach for problems on interval and circular-arc graphs….Pages 222-233
On the complexity of graph embeddings….Pages 234-245
Algorithms for polytope covering and approximation….Pages 246-252
Global strategies for augmenting the efficiency of TSP heuristics….Pages 253-264
Static and dynamic algorithms for k -point clustering problems….Pages 265-276
Scalable algorithms for bichromatic line segment intersection problems on Coarse Grained Multicomputers….Pages 277-288
Persistence, randomization and parallelization: On some combinatorial games and their applications (abstract)….Pages 289-301
The K -D heap: An efficient multi-dimensional priority queue….Pages 302-313
A complete and efficient algorithm for the intersection of a general and a convex polyhedron….Pages 314-324
Computing the smallest k -enclosing circle and related problems….Pages 325-336
An index data structure for matrices, with applications to fast two-dimensional pattern matching….Pages 337-348
A plane-sweep algorithm for the all-nearest-neighbors problem for a set of convex planar objects….Pages 349-360
Further results on generalized intersection searching problems: Counting, reporting, and dynamization….Pages 361-372
Generalized approximate algorithms for point set congruence….Pages 373-384
Approximating shortest superstrings with constraints….Pages 385-396
Tree reconstruction from partial orders….Pages 397-408
Improved parallel depth-first search in undirected planar graphs….Pages 409-420
On approximating the longest path in a graph….Pages 421-432
Designing multi-commodity flow trees….Pages 433-441
A fully dynamic approximation scheme for all-pairs shortest paths in planar graphs….Pages 442-451
On fat partitioning, fat covering and the union size of polygons….Pages 452-463
A time-randomness tradeoff for selection in parallel….Pages 464-470
Detecting race conditions in parallel programs that use one semaphore….Pages 471-482
An algorithm for finding predecessors in integer sets….Pages 483-493
The exhaustion of shared memory: Stochastic results….Pages 494-505
Minimum weight euclidean matching and weighted relative neighborhood graphs….Pages 506-517
Efficient approximate shortest-path queries among isothetic rectangular obstacles….Pages 518-529
Counting and reporting red/blue segment intersections….Pages 530-540
Repetitive hidden-surface-removal for polyhedral scenes….Pages 541-552
On reconfigurability of VLSI linear arrays….Pages 553-564
Reconstructing strings from substrings (Extended abstract)….Pages 565-576
Combinatorial complexity of signed discs….Pages 577-588
Fast algorithms for one-dimensionsal compaction with jog insertion….Pages 589-600
An optimal algorithm for roundness determination on convex polygons….Pages 601-609
Practical algorithms on partial k -trees with an application to domination-like problems….Pages 610-621
Greedy algorithms for the on-line steiner tree and generalized steiner problems….Pages 622-633
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