Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Allen E. Ivey, Lois T. Grady, Kara P. Kunkler-Peck9780807745533, 0-8077-4553-7, 0-8077-4554-5
Features: * Helpful practice exercises throughout the text designed to demonstrate the power of the community genogram to complement a host of individual and systems treatment methods. * A variety of visual models that clients and clinicians can adapt for their own use. * Chapters addressing the use of genograms in relation to issues across the lifespan, across generations, and across cultures. * A wealth of cases and interviews that illustrate ways to use community genograms with a variety of clients, in different phases of counseling and therapy, and involving service providers. * Questions and strategies that can be used to determine the significant relationships, events, and situations that have shaped the clients’ experiences over time. * A detailed analysis of one session, showing the nuances of using a community genogram to explore issues of identity, power, and oppression. * Suggestions for how to use the community genogram in the service of ongoing client assessment, treatment, and evaluation.
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