David F. Griffiths, Desmond J. Higham9780898713831, 0898713838
-numerous examples of widely used mathematical expressions;
-complete documents illustrating the creation of articles, reports, and overhead projector slides;
-troubleshooting tips to help you pinpoint an error;
-details of how to set up a bibliography and an index;
-information about LATEX resources available on the Internet.
Why do you need to learn LATEX ? LATEX has become an extremely popular typesetting system and is widely used throughout the sciences. As a student you may need to typeset reports and theses in LATEX (particularly if you are a graduate student in any mathematics or computer science discipline). Or you may be someone who had planned to “eventually” get around to learning LATEX , but you are still using older systems and methods of typesetting. Procrastinate no more!
The authors have elected to cover LATEX 2e, the latest standard version at the time of publication. The old and new versions are very similar and it is clear that the LATEX 2e version will soon dominate. An appendix discusses the differences between 2e and the older version, 2.09.
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