Fredric D. Ancel (auth.), Sibe Mardešić, Jack Segal (eds.)9780387184432, 0-387-18443-0
Table of contents :
An alternative proof of M. Brown’s theorem on inverse sequences of near homeomorphisms….Pages 1-2
Strong homology theories….Pages 3-29
Borsuk fixed point theorem for multi-valued maps….Pages 30-37
Improving categorical coverings of spaces….Pages 38-42
The intimate connections among decomposition theory, embedding theory, and manifold structure theory….Pages 43-47
On resolutions of LC n -compacta….Pages 48-59
Infinite-dimensional compacta with finite cohomological dimension modulo p….Pages 60-64
Sheaves that are locally constant with applications to homology manifolds….Pages 65-87
UV k -equivalent compacta….Pages 88-114
Covering maps in top N ….Pages 115-124
Embedding of continua….Pages 125-130
Using solenoids in the study of the Stone-Čech compactification….Pages 131-147
The alexander-pontryagin duality theorem for coherent homology and cohomology with coefficients in sheaves of modules….Pages 148-163
On exact homology….Pages 164-182
Geometric category and Lusternik-Schnirelmann category….Pages 183-192
On the homology of function spaces….Pages 193-201
On shape theory with compact supports….Pages 202-211
Complement theorems in shape theory, II….Pages 212-220
The continuity axiom and the Čech homology….Pages 221-239
Fiber shape theory, shape fibrations and movability of maps….Pages 240-252
Some open questions in geometric topology and shape theory….Pages 253-255
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